KFRTA save file
4 years ago
Cantabria, Spain

what do you need on a save file to start KFRTA (checkpoints and stuff)

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Maryland, USA

You can have a completed save file.

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

first thing you need is a wp file with wooded snow first with all the moon rocks broken. cap: tophat tower cp sand: cp right next to the koopa (in front of the bullet bill poison subarea on the northeast of the kingdom metro: isolated island cp with the painting luncheon: top of the mountain cp (one right in front of the podoboos with the canon that takes you to the big pot) bowsers: beneath the keep cp moon chapel cp (one right to the left of the entrance)

watch through wr to make sure you have all the paintings set up.

NoahMJR, Soupious dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

oh yeah, and make sure you do all the koopas twice before your first run so you dont collect the moons

NoahMJR, Soupious dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

can't you just not break the moon rock and only do each koopa once

NoahMJR dan KilleDragon menyukai ini
Cantabria, Spain

thanks jiggs

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Basque Country

lol is true actualy, you dont need to win the races, so there is no rules breaked while doing that, no? maybe if the animation of the moon rock apear, is timelost for the player, but continue being legit