New Category Idea: No Teleports%
2 years ago

Always you were teleporting to the odyssey or to some Checkpoints, but in this category you're not allowed to do this.

gnrts dan abelagum menyukai ini
Western Australia, Australia

do people not think before they come up with categories

gnrts, KingYeti15 dan 12 lainnya menyukai ini
Cork, Ireland

This is not smart. With min caps, there is a certain route used instead of the normal any%. This is not the case, it’s the same route except a few changes here and there to save time. Even Allcaps (which is something I have made up so don’t go to the leaderboard thinking it’s a thing) has a changed route to get moons and also to capture every possible. So yeah. Bad idea.

Texas, USA

Guys I think my category idea just got a WR with this thread. Someone posted on the forum suggesting at around 4 AM CST.

3ommy25, UnknownIsHere, dan GoodGoomba menyukai ini

I re-play Super Mario odyssey for fun at least once a week.Before I finished a play through and clicked the map button on accident and it popped up with Cappy telling you i can teleport also it’s just any% with no tp.