Is it allowed to use a PAL console modded to be able to play NTSC-J and NTSC-U games?
10 months ago

Hi, do I need to have an NTSC-J console to play Super Mario 64 Jap? Or Modding my PAL N64 to play NTSC games is alloud for Speedruns?


No, you must use NTSC-J or NTSC-U console with NTSC versions of the game.

Ohio, USA

Wait, I have a 16 star PB that uses a JP cart but I replaced the back so I can play it on my American N64. Is that allowed?


Waah hard T.T . But okay, thanks for the response Kyman! Last question, is the RGB modd allowed?

Chicago, IL, USA

If I had to guess there aren’t any mods allowed just because of the amount of runs and the big cheating scene for sm64 so I would just stick to vanilla if I were you


@SuperGamer64 Yes, that is what I outlined (NTSC-J or NTSC-U console with NTSC versions of the game)

@Plune Yes RGB/HDMI/etc. setups are fine, those have nothing to do with timing or advantages.

@Ultra64 I would recommend not confidently spreading misinformation on subjects that you may not be fully informed on.

ChiaraSM64, grnts dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini

Okay, so if I buy an NTSC-J console, I can run NTSC-J and NTSC-U games, and I'm allowed to modd it to RGB that is a great news! Made my day thank you Kyman!


@Kyman tbf @Ultra64 said 'If I had to guess' so it's kinda rude to call them out on spreading misinformation.

Chicago, IL, USA

I’m sorry I didn’t want to be Misleading I was just giving my opinion on the subject


@goldenONX they word for word said that this game has a 'big cheating scene', this is misinformation.

Victoria, Australia

@goldenONX we mod this game bc we love being a part of this community and want to give back. seeing baseless claims of a rampant cheating scene is hurtful and should be shot down, regardless of whether or not its prefaced with "its just my opinion bro"

Chicago, IL, USA

@goldenONX they are right I do believe now rereading what I said to have been false information, I’m pretty new to the community and have seen a few YouTube videos on cheaters and I guess I had just made an assumption I apologize for saying what I said and I hope nobody was offended thank you mods for looking out for the community.

sevenyoshi, Plune dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
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