6 years ago
Centre, France

Hi, idk if im on the good forum but i have a question about that : Is it possible to change this leaderboard for a game serie and add all of the categories ( a category represents a game ) as a game? I think its not usefull to create a maincategory for a game, add directly the game is more good. Thank you!

@BooMeringue are you agree with that ? ^^

EXPL menyukai ini
Indiana, USA

I believe I have already tried that and it didn't work out. Try and ask Rio because I think either him or Jii made the seperate categories

EXPL menyukai ini
Centre, France

@Jiipeeze @Rioyner can you answer too please ?

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago
EXPL menyukai ini
Centre, France

If you can it can be really good and usefull ! Thx

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Centre, France

Thank you

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