Fast strat (1.5+)
Fast strat (1.5+)
Diperbarui 3 years ago oleh Onion_Soup

Full Strat:

How to: Make sure you have the jump button pressed down otherwise it won't work. To do so I do a jump while being under the low ceiling (as seen in the video). Your positioning has to be very precise. So far I have only been able to do it with two positions.

First (Slightly easier): the pixels (the right foot of the player and the marked purple floor pixel) circled in red are supposed to be lined up

Second (Slightly harder): again the pixels in red are supposed to be lined up

When in position you now have your jump button constantly pressed down and when correctly positioned hookshot upwards to hit the ceiling as far left as possible. The hard part is correctly timing the hookshot release and avoiding the ceiling. This part is hard to describe so i recommend just practising the trick until you get a feeling for it.

There is a small timesave possible. By not having jump pressed down the whole time but jumping and as soon as possible hookshotting to skip landing on the platform first and immediately going up to the beacon. This method may even be easier as the timing for the hookshot release is (in my opinion) easier so i recommend just trying both methods.

Video of Timesave:

Statistik Game
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