4 years ago

Is there any interest in making a shadow man speedrunning discord server?

Skeptic dan beazzles menyukai ini
South Carolina, USA

LOL I was actually wondering about this last night! Yeah, I think one should be made, because I plan to run this game at some point and it'd be helpful to actually be able to interact with other runners who know the exploits.

Skeptic dan osukarui menyukai ini

its good idea go create this :)

South Carolina, USA

Who's in charge of adding it to the speedrunning page for Shadowman? I'm creating one now, though I think Vaco or Winning117 should be an admin or moderator for it

South Carolina, USA

All right, so I made one. Still could use a few tweaks here and there. How does one go about adding it to the page over here on speedrun.com?


Post the invite link here and winning can then add it when he sees this

South Carolina, USA
Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
California, USA

A discord already exists for shadow man, I just forgot to add it to the speedrun page :) https://discord.gg/kPzZ84n

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
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