Survival For Char
4 years ago
Minas Gerais, Brazil

I'd like to talk to everyone, that it's just my opinion, but why Survival is no more for characters?

Texas, USA

Presumably because theres not enough differences to justify having entirely separate categories for every individual fighter for the mode. I think it makes more sense the way it is now for Trials and Story Mode runs to be divided up character specifically.


Habble was really the work horse behind a lot of these category changes so they can jump in and add more information if I missed anything but, I'll try my best to give an idea of what the changes are trying to accomplish.

Subzero7 gave one of the reasons, there really isn't much variance in Survival runs to need a category per character. Similar to Arcade, it's the difficulty path that is really the difference maker and less the character chosen.

Additionally there were a lot of character boards that were completely empty, my run for Menat is the only Menat run on the whole board. I did that 2 months ago, she's been out since 2017. This led to a lot of "WRs" being grabbed that really weren't much of anything, there was no interaction or competition, it was free.

This issue continues with the difficulties as well, if you look at Hell and Hard difficulty, we have about 4 runs total? It's very unlikely we'll ever get a character run for each of these, none the less multiple per character to have any actual competition within those categories.

I will admit this was something that attracted some runners, as it gave a chance for easy World Records but, it kinda went against what the main goal of this board should be. To get the fastest Survival time. Removing the individual character categories gives everyone a chance to start focusing on optimizing the overall Survival times and should give everyone a clear goal to aim for.

Granted I understand that Character individuality and loyalty is a big thing in fighting games, and this was the one main counter points brought up to not merge the boards. People want to be the Best at their character and may not be interested in playing another one, even if that is the more optimal choice.

That's really a major draw of Fighting Games in general, and is something we're still trying to keep by keeping individual character runs present in the board, even if it's not the user's fastest time. This allows you to still filter the category by Character and it will change the board to show who is 1st place per character, without needing it's own category.

We are trying to find the balance between rewarding Character skill / loyalty while also shifting the focus to be on optimizing the actual speed of the runs. Which once again should be our goal on a Speedrunning board.

At the end of the day, we went with what made sense but, are not completely unopen to feedback. The people running the game are the ones that keep the game active and relevant so, if you have any suggestions, problems or concerns feel free to throw us a line and we can look into finding a compromise or solution.


  • Cleans up the board / Removes dead categories.
  • Makes things more competitive.
  • Gives Survival a new focus.
  • Filters are present to see individual character rankings.
Cawffee dan Habble menyukai ini

You guys have made great changes in the leaderboard. I appreciate all the good work that you guys have been doing here. Let's have some fun, Cheers!

GingerSocrates dan Habble menyukai ini
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