Quick Question
2 years ago

Is there no category for certain levels in certain floors. Say if I wanted to post a run of floor 1 but only level 1, would it be possible?

Dylenoyer94 menyukai ini
Washington, USA

I like the idea for individual level leaderboards but there's a lot of them in this game, it would make the leaderboard look too cluttered, if there was a why to consolidate the floors then perhaps it can be done but I'm not expecting that to happen, though it would be cool.

Only way I see it being done is by making some new categories named Floor 1 Individual Levels, Floor 2 Individual Levels, etc. , then having sub categories for each level within, it sounds possible but it means getting it done.

se7enteen menyukai ini

Thanks for the reply I’ve been curious about it all day lol

United Kingdom

You can use the ingame leaderboards for that easily.

se7enteen menyukai ini
Washington, USA

Well yes we can see where our time puts us on the ingame leaderboard but the whole point of this website is to submit speedruns, we were discussing how it's be cool if there were leaderboards on this website for individual levels

se7enteen menyukai ini
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