100% rules, what should they be?
4 months ago

If there was a 100% speerun category for this game, what do you think it should entail to?

Last package sent to the space elevator, of course, but what else?

-All the building possible build at least once, this include latest latest version possible.

-All the items possible produced

-All the items possible analysed

-All the alt recipes discovered

-All the hard drive found and analysed

-All the power slug found?

-All the resource that exist in limited quantities also found?

If I am not mistaken, the Doggos also exist in limited number, should all of them be tamed?

I considered at a moment to also include the exploiting all the existing pure nodes, but that seems a bit too much arbitrary and pointless.

What do you think would work best and would actually make sense for a 100% run?

United States

I'd imagine a 100% to be more around unlocking everything, since as soon we breach "doing everything" as a concept it brings along a lot of gray area (collect all plant matter? tap every node? etc). Some tasks like collecting every power slug are akin to "reach level 100" in an RPG, which isn't really 100% material. From other conversations in the Discord I think the loose goals are as follows:

  • Unlock every milestone

  • Unlock every MAM research + alternate recipe (like you mentioned)

  • Finish the game (duh)

  • Purchase every upgrade/collectible in the AWESOME Shop

  • Find all boombox tapes

There might be something I'm forgetting, but that's generally the direction I'd want to see it go

HexTree dan Quantik menyukai ini
United States

I think 100% should just be “all achievements”, since 1.0 released official achievements for the game

Steam achievements? Because those can be a bit excessive and sometimes just meme level of commitment.

Diedit oleh penulis 4 months ago
United States

Personally, I think 100% runs should be insane, so beyond what any sane or regular person could complete, it is truly an achievement to behold; obviously, everything on the list needs to be completed only once. In that list, all I can think of is:

-tap one of every single pure/normal/impure node with a mk 3 miner or extractor (one pure/normal/impure for iron, one normal/impure for uranium, etc.)

-complete every milestone + phase 5 and beat the game

-complete all the MAM research (holiday or not if this is a stupid level 100%?)

-collect every collectible alien artifact until ADA stops letting the entity talk to you (100% the voice line chain)

-collect only 1 of every type of slug because 1242 slugs would be too much to ask of a human being

-automate every automatable item (the factory must grow)

-craft every non-automatable item

-drive every vehicle

-unlock every hard drive upgrade and alternate recipe

-find every tape

-obtain 1 of every type of fauna (leaves, wood, berries, nuts, agaric, alien remains)

-in the above, kill/tame 1 of every type of mob in the game

-get 3 stars in every level of the packaging minigame in the hub

-finish every steam achievement not already acheived by this point

-and finally, buy every item in the awesome shop.

a lot of the repetitive stuff (taming doggos, killing mobs) only needs to be done once, or in the case of alien artifacts, until a set milestone. everything here is quantifiable, achievable, and most importantly, leaves nothing out. Some things also don't need to be added, in the process of automating every item, one would have to build every building.

satisfactory is a game with... A LOT to do, and it's kind of in the spirit of the game for 100% runs to be as overdone as possible in terms of what's possible in the game itself.

stuff i didn't add as i don't believe it adds anything to the run, but could be considered for the 100% godless run since it's technically possible

-destroy every gas pillar/spore flower (these don't respawn so it could be added)

-completely reveal the map (honestly could be added)

-fly with every type of fuel (automating the fuel is fine imo)

-build every single buildable and decoration (i think unlocking is enough)

-collide with the hitbox at the very top of the space elevator (this is just kinda funny)

-tap every node (too repetetive)

even with everything here i think i may be missing something rather than having too much. I do understand that a more streamlined 100% will probably be what gets adopted, but i'd love to have satisfactory be the horror of 100% speedruns

United States

That sounds like a fun challenge/meme run, but doesn't satisfy what we'd need for it to be a speedrun category. Most importantly, someone would have to actually do it :) beyond that, however:

Like I mentioned before (and you can see by the choices you had to make), what exactly constitutes 100%, in a game that doesn't measure progression like that, is difficult. You very quickly would (and did) find yourself in the trap of "is this too insane to be part of it? Or is it just insane enough?"

We encounter similar conundrums when doing Low% runs, and for that reason those runs are coordinated mostly on discord, rather than managed here as official speedrun categories, and in some ways it's better for that. The run can be done according to the opinions of those participating, and don't enforce one person's take on "the spirit of the game" over another's.

Diedit oleh penulis 2 months ago
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