Really proud of this run! This run to me represents the end of the '3x era', as it incorporates every strategy every runner used when trying to break the 2:3x barrier for the first time: TAZ 3, Mug 7, PL8-8, 9x3, SMB11, and 3x choker, all executed to near perfection.
On top of all that, this run was the first ever 2:35 pace to train, and in fact was the best pace to train by over half a second, making it even more insane to me that I clutched it out.
I'm completely finished with this category for now although I may return for sub 2:35 some day, and I look forward to seeing others trying to beat this time in the future!
(copied from discord announcement)
The migration of IL runs from Red Ball Category Extensions has been completed. ILs are now hosted on the Level leaderboard of each individual game in the Red Ball series. The RBCE IL board will remain up for a few days until everything has been archived, but no