Autosplitter V2 available (MAJOR UPDATE)
7 years ago
Florida, USA

Do you have a space at the end of "Resident Evil 7"? Like "Resident Evil 7 "? That's the only way I could get it to show no Auto Splitter available. I can ask the LiveSplit Discord for any further ideas.

Edit: Their suggestion was to restart LiveSplit.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Washington, USA

No I do not. I dont know what is going on.

Florida, USA

Have you tried restarting LiveSplit?

Washington, USA

Doesn't work. I have never got any autosplitter to work. I'm using the most recent version of livesplit. I've reset it 1000 times.

Florida, USA

Check your firewall isn't blocking LiveSplit from calling home and checking the Auto Splitter list? If that doesn't work, you can download the ASL from my github and add it as a scriptable autosplitter in layout. But you won't get the latest updates that way, so I'd try to fix it first. If you can't get it working after checking firewall settings etc:

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Washington, USA

I had the same issues with Sonic Adventure 2 a few weeks ago. Lots of nice people like yourself trying to help, and I appreciate that. For whatever reason it just doesn't want to work. I made exceptions for it in my firewall, which isn't any more strict than default, and it still doesn't work.

Florida, USA

The only other suggestion I have is right clicking livesplit and "run as administrator". But I'm sure others have suggested that for sonic adventures. Sorry :/


Thanks for making this CursedToast, it's making speedrunning this game a lot more fun! I have the latest version (2.3.4) and I still have problems in the following splits:

  1. Jack 3 is splitting early (when ethan says "this is getting old jack" and not when he is injected.
  2. Retrieved fuse is not splitting and it splits when I take the fuse first time from the room with the mold monster even though I have not selected it from the list (only retrieve fuse checked from list).
  3. Evie injected doesn't split I have double checked that the correct splits have been checked from the list and this happens every time.
Florida, USA

Hey Plakue! 1.) I'm guessing something was done that changed the inventory slot of the serum. IE, healing or using the last of some item. Anything that changed the slot of the serum/caused it to shift (the item won't shift graphically, but programming wise it will). I wrote a fix so this shouldn't happen. 2.) I'm not sure why this is. It split correctly for me, but I also used fuse 2. I will have to try the setting with fuse 2 unchecked, but I'm not seeing a reason it wouldn't split. However, if it's splitting when you pick it up from the mold monster, I'm guessing you have your checkmarks wrong? Because Fuse 2 won't split unless the checkmark is enabled. 3.) This one is weird, because it split for me when I tested it. However, I did get rid of a conditional check that could potentially cause it to not split, as well as wrote some code to make sure using an item didn't accidentally trigger it. I just tested it. It worked for me.

Please make sure you have 2.3.5 and try them all again :)

Edit: I just realized the healing thing for Jack is still triggering the split. This would also happen for injecting Evie, potentially. So I'm going to take a further look.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Plakue menyukai ini
Florida, USA

I just released 2.3.7.

This fixes the healing on Jack (or doing anything that'd shift the serum to a different slot) causing a split bug

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Plakue menyukai ini
Florida, USA

Okay Plakue, I fixed it so you can have one or the other (or both) checked now :)

Plakue menyukai ini
Washington, USA

Okay Cursed Toast, running as admin worked! I also needed to select the title in the dropbox menu, I am running 1.6.9 so it is "Resident Evil 7: Biohazard". Thanks for the help :D

Florida, USA

Good to hear it's working! :)


Great! I'm going to test the new version soon :)


Just completed full run and I can confirm all splits are working, good job CursedToast :)

CursedToast menyukai ini
Florida, USA

Capcom broke my autosplitter with an update. 80 hours down the drain. Much love, Capcom. Yes. I'm working on finding ALL of those pointers again. But it's going to take time. And I have a job I have to go to tomorrow, so I'm not expecting it to be fixed for a couple of days, at least :/

The best part is, I come home from work -> fix bugs (sometimes even on my lunch break). I haven't even fully used the damned thing myself yet. Was just getting ready to and I found out it broke on Bawk's stream.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
nemmy menyukai ini
Florida, USA

Thank you! I don't have access to Reddit at work right now, but I will take a look as soon as I get home. I'm glad to hear the item slots are still 8 bytes in front of the count. I'm not sure why I wasn't finding it last night.

Florida, USA

Did the offsets stay the same for isPaused, map and igt? isdying is something that returns 0 when the player dies. It was just based off inventory slot 1 but with the offsets removed (the game destroys the player and inventory upon death, so I killed offsets until I had a non-?? value upon death). From there I flag a manual variable to detect if the player is still dead.

Thank you a ton for your help. I'd like to ask you a few things on Discord so I can figure out how to quickly find this all myself in the future. I really owe you one. Thanks again.

I will update the script proper when I get home. I am going to need to detect the version numbers next so it doesn't break for people that use the old version as well.