WR run Issue
2 years ago

Greetings, the World Record Speedrun for the console version is timed excluding the loading times (roughly 5 minutes).

In that case, shouldn't the rest of the speedruns of this game be re-counted excluding load times? Because I know for sure that my run included load times in the timing.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hi, can without the loading times because on ps1 it's a long time, if you want I can put you as a moderator. I'm out of time at the moment because of some university stuff

Stockholm, Sweden

i would like to have some more categories like . normal hard expert + level leaderboards + trigger the x % i have much idead for the game.

my cyclops run wr was fast but it can be done faster for instance you can do it in 2 min with nightcrawller also havok have some really good strats

i would also like to add like a 3, 5, 7, 9 stars sppedrun. would be cool to see what the time would have been for them

Edited by the author 2 years ago
GustavoPredador likes this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Let's see first if we are going to count the loadings or not

Shredmachine likes this
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