New timesave for low%
2 years ago

The top link is what I used to learn how to do a midair shell jump, the center link is the timesave it’s self, and the bottom link is me doing a midair shell jump in real time

Minnesota, USA

While 5-4 skip is possible in low% its quite a stretch to call it a new timesave. The precision of the trick makes it absurdly difficult. Its unrealistic that it will be pulled off by a human anytime soon in a single attempt, let alone in a full game run.

JacksonSR, Sibby18, and Cads like this
Basque Country

^ basicaly that tho i guess it could be pulled to save some time if you do a midair just at the end

btw outdated TAS xd (yo that's mine poggers)

JacksonSR and Sibby18 like this
United States

I recorded myself doing the last part of the low% 5-4 skip, a.k.a. Low% bombful:

btw doing also this pushed my SoB down to 25:46

UPDATE: Apparently, shellful is also possible. It's basically the same thing except you jump on koopas before the bombs:

Edited by the author 2 years ago
JacksonSR, ajl721 and 7 others like this
British Columbia, Canada

Which is harder shellful or double bombless its hard to tell double bombless is 18 seconds or something while this saves 30 seconds so if it could ever be gotten in a run that would be huge

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Sibby18 likes this
United States

@Cad225 The thing about shellful is that if you miss it, you die. This is not the case with bombless, which is the main reason the trick is so hard. But to answer your question I personally find shellful a little bit more consistent than double bombless, mainly because I grinded it for longer. The chances of someone getting this along with other strats would almost certainly take tones of skill and a massive load of attempts.

However, there was one interesting run that happened to me a while back. I died somewhere (can't remember) so in 5-4 I went for bombful (not shellful) and I got it. The run was just under 30 minutes though, and I've never been able to do it since.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Cads likes this
British Columbia, Canada

I might pour practice into it when I return to Low%, seems like something to explore.

JacksonSR and Sibby18 like this
Île-de-France, France

Do you think low 5-4 skip will happen RTA? In IL of course not full run I'm curious

Texas, USA

i mean, the fact is, no one cares enough to try also it would take way to long lol

JacksonSR, Sibby18, and Cads like this

When I was practicing midair shell jumps I was able to get 4 of them in a row

Sibby18 likes this
United States

@NMSpeedruns I am currently working on it but yes, it will definitely take a while.

JacksonSR and Cads like this

When I was doing some attempts on 5-4 Low% Skip today, this happened.

Sibby18 and Cads like this
United States

@JacksonSR Good job, I feel like going from there is definitely possible but very difficult

Cads and JacksonSR like this
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