An orange keeper needs help moderator DK
5 years ago
Lorraine, France

Hello or good evening excuse me to disturb the keeper I am the orange keeper, I have important questions to ask you moderator DK (it can help some people with these worries).

I start the speedrun and I would like to know how it goes on dungeon keeper 1 it's a game of my childhood and it's the first one that makes me want to do speedrun.

it's been a few days that I rule obs / Livesplit so much that it fascinates me, but I do not know many things being a beginner

My questions would be:

[1] or start the timer on a run of a mission to train (level1,2,3) (I want to mission by mission for the moment), it is the dungeon's control when we can move and click before?

[2] Would it be possible for Livesplit to launch itself at the right moment of a start of 1,2,3,4 level run ... I have been using it for a very short time Livesplit haha ​​there is a script or the configuration to do or only manual?

[2.1] Can we display the livesplit in full screen for a view on the timer?

(I have a question a weird can be, I had the game at the time, but I do not have any more so I was able to replay DK1 thanks to romstation since)

[3] My game DK1 has been downloaded since full romstation and I was able to use the patch "KeepeFX ver 0.4.6u build 1850 (standard release)" above and that the game works properly without emulator would it be allowed? (I start the game with the laucher patch / bluid KeepeFX).

[4] If this is not the case can you give me a hint or bought the game that would be the best choice to make, I have a preference to put the game in my native language in recording I saw that on Origin it is only in English apparently and only on multilingual gog, but there is a difference of "gameplay", of "graphics" if I want to play in 1920x1080 or it is keeperfx which allows to change the resolution of the game (if not the CD)?

[5] (I'm not very good at English but I read a post that a person had the same concern as me) it's the first level, several pnj pop instead of two dwarfs that the solution was put back the original CD (Levels) maps and that to fix the problem, but would it be ok since it's a manual file modification and keeperfx modified it will make the run normal?

[6] Between GOG / Orgin DosBox / KeeperFX0.4.6u / CD versions there is a ranking priority of meaning that GOG / CD can not be beaten by a KeeperFX? There is importance of version in the speedrun?

[7] Last little question there are sometimes purple / pink / blue depixelized effects that appear during spells or the return to the menu would it be possible to decrease or more the displayed or it remains in the original game ?

Sorry it's a little pavement! (I help a translator so some things are not necessarily well written)

Thank you for your answers in advance I do not know where to erect me in this kind of situation, good game for you Keeper !


Firstly, most welcome, Orange Keeper, nice to hear you want to start run this game!

I will try to answer your questions as well as I can.

[1] Exactly, as of now, the timer starts when "we can click and move" for the individual levels (1, 2, 3 etc.).

[2] It is possible, however there is not yet a script for that. I tried to make one but I am not a programmer, sadly. But it shouldn't be too difficult. Anyone with scripting skills should be able to do it. But until then you can very effectively use it manually.

[2.1] I do not know, sorry. It should be able to somehow. If you have two or more computer screens it should be easier to try the layout out in OBS or whichever recording program you use.

[3] I run on 0.4.6u (std 1850) which is the same as yours. As long as you don't modify it yourself, we consider it fully legit and you can just start running with the vanilla 0.4.6u (std 1850) patch.

[4] I recommend KeeperFX, either 0.4.6u (std 1850). I think there's a french language option in the game files, if there is; you're allowed to change the language of the game as there is no impact on game time. Then you also can play in HD without lag.

[5] No, this is not allowed. Either you run the modified KFX version or the original game. They are not exactly the same, KFX is quicker in some regards while original is quicker in other. [6a] Therefore it is very important to keep the versions apart until we figure out which is faster in general or until we get a version with original map values in the KFX version.

[6b] I answered this as a part of the former message. I do not know which version is the fastest. I think KFX is more difficult in general but it has the upper hand as it has no lag or weird AI bugs.

[7] This question I did sadly not understand. You have graphical bugs as you cast spells in the original game?

If you have more questions please don't hesitate to ask. I will do my best to answer them, and again, welcome!

Lorraine, France

Thank you for your welcome and your keeper BNDR answers!

Your answers are precise, for the questions: [1-2-2.1-3-4-6].

Unfortunately I do not know much about the script I could not help too much for the timer, I can take a look, but I can not promise anything on it.

For questions [5-7] I am a bit lost.

[5] If the modifications of Levels are prohibited via a transfer of the original Levels from a DK CD, how to correctly run the run from level 1 how to have an equal footing between the two versions "original and keeperfx"?

(The strats is not a concern, but the timer yes with the additional creatures)

For now only the first level does not match the original, so only the original can have the best time compared to the KeeperFx player?

This is not to throw a stone, but the fuul-game "Any%" KeeperFX 0.4.6u "of the first current player to change the level 1 well?

On the video of the current premiere only 2 Tunneller appears, while playing the KeeperFX 0.4.6u version and it's 4 creatures 2 Tunneller / 2 Thief normally how is this done?

What interests me is to play with keeper fx, because it allows to change the video quality and have a more beautiful design and fluidity I think.

[5.1] Only level 1 or other levels add creatures or other things? (I am a little lost).

[7] It seems to me that spell or action effects or even going to the main menu cause a depixellization, in the original game I know it spanks him from time to time, but there I do not stop especially notice it in the main menu.

For the moment I stayed on the level 1 lens I could not say more about this problem I could make a video of two minutes to show.

[8] I ask myself a question would it be possible to use the keeperfx launcher on an original, use for the resolution configurations and not for patching the game, that would be to concern as an original speedrun and not keeperfx or not at all haha ?

[9] Is the assistant authorized in speedrun? The letter "C" at the bottom left of the map.

[10] I think I only have one last question in relation to [3]

I notice that if I want to launch it in moose version of Dungeon Keeper since romstation it must pass by DOSBox, because the game is not compatible with the current version of my pc, I saw the version "Origin dosbox" but since "romsation dosbox" it remains good for speedrun in original?

A big thank you again for your help, I hope that post can help again speedruner like me DK (it's really important questions that I asked myself when I arrived) I wish you good game Keeper !

Edited by the author 5 years ago

[5] " to have an equal footing between the two versions "original and keeperfx"?"

The easy and short answer there isn't.

"For now only the first level does not match the original, so only the original can have the best time compared to the KeeperFx player?"

My take on it, and I set the most the current rules, is comparable to the rules of the Super-Mario 64 community which display their running platform. What this means in their community is that all of the top runs are in Japanese, because it has a quicker text display. There's a difference between original and KFX, but since we are a small community, I would rather prefer not to nit-pick and split categories, when there's already few people enough running the game. The other alternative would be to have it like the HL2 community, where they display Old/New engine as a main title. But of course the utopia would be to have a dedicated KFX speedrunning version, with all values as close to the original as possible but with better graphics, however this would also be unfair to the orignal version since the KFX is lag free.

Summarized, it's easier to keep this small community tight when we all run KFX, but original users are welcome too.

"On the video of the current premiere only 2 Tunneller appears, while playing the KeeperFX 0.4.6u version and it's 4 creatures 2 Tunneller / 2 Thief normally how is this done?"

This I do not know, you can however join this discord and ask Glitchy yourself, if you want to find out. It can be so that it automatically assigns KFX to the run when he submitted it although he runs it on original. But it does look as if he plays on KFX...

[5.1] KFX has different level data from the original as well as creature data. Some things are just random changes in the maps which make them more/less difficult. And for creature data it is mostly to mitigate obvious bugs, such as, when a creature has its accuracy stat increased over 999, it resets to 0, making for example high level Horned Reapers useless in the original.

[7] I'd recommend either asking YourMaster here: and/or trying the 0.4.7 version of KFX. Maybe it'll change it. There's also a FAQ thread on keeperklan over usual KFX bugs.

[8] I don't think that is possible without individually manipulating the game files...

[9] Yes! If you find a good way to use it I will buy you a bottle of fine wine though.

[10] For me that sounds absolutely fine as an alternative if you want to run original. DOSbox through any medium is allowed, not only through GOG.

I'm glad to try to help. I'm sorry the information available is so unclear. I am the only one actively modding and running so I really appreciate any feedback for rules or anything... It's nice to have another active member of the community :)

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Lorraine, France

Thank you for your support, I always put heart in what I do that's why I am very interested and on several points towards this speedrun.

I noticed that you are alone at the moment and I take this into account and I really thank you for your precious help.

I think I'm going to start with speedrun on the moose game then on keeperfx for once.

Unfortunately a pity for the resolution of a video rendering of the original version but I still want to taste the original speedrun then keeperfx by supporting the two communities.

After as I said I do not criticize or to throw a stone is really that I find it weird I would ask him on the discord of keeper that I joined for the Full game "any%"

I would also see for the graphic problem if it also reproduces on the original and version 0.4.7 of KFX

I think Assistant "C" could be useful, but it would be a random coin flip that can provide any situation, but could fill empty holes in time-saving speedruns

[9.1] "Only problem how do you do with the assistant" C "

The assistance is configured basic defensive assistance it seems to me, but it can be changed by choosing the assistance that you want and then restarted the level with the assistance chosen

What do we do with this method?

Or you must choose the assistant in the speedrun necessarily and if a finished level continues the next level with the assistant chosen by the player and not by default for a follow-up logic for the speedrun by levels (Any% Levels)

Or do we do as we see fit? haha

(I think for Full game "any%" the question does not arise except for the first level)

[11] The acceleration of the results of the scores at the end of the level are for all Dosbox?

(100% cycles ?)

Dungeon Keeper on romstation

Further information :

Dosbox is set for maximum speed emulation, to allow smooth animation during play. It causes a speed too important texts in the menus. This is mainly embarrassing during end-of-level reports. Remember to reduce the speed several times with the keys Ctrl + F11 in the menus and to go up with Ctrl + F12 to play.

I am reassured that I can start a moose run! haha

Your intervention is very useful, I find that you are clear in your writings, you give me time despite your occupations and I take it into account, I have more cases to train still and have fun, good game to keeper you !

Edited by the author 5 years ago

I am glad you're here asking important questions, it's always good to have a critical second eye.

I'll have an extra look on his run to see what is what. Good that you noticed.

[9.1] You may use it anyway you want to, everything with it is allowed.

[11] If I understand what you mean correctly you want to decrease frames per second while in menus to see the text correctly? But it doesn't go higher than the usual frame rate. In that case feel free to lower it as much as you want to in the menus. I would consider it a bit sketchy (even when it lowers the speed) to use it in an actual run.

That being said I am considering letting frame-skip be allowed on auto-scroller levels, but that will probably be a thing for the future instead...

I look forward to you runs!