Difference between dungeon keeper and DKgold
7 years ago
Île-de-France, France

It appears there are difference betweeen the original dungeon keeper that has been run in the only video present here, and with dungeon keeper gold that actually runs on modern PCs.

First level, first group of ennemies, the runner encounters 2 dwarfs while i encounter 2 dwarfs and 2 rogues, which makes it significantly hrder, and longer.

Can anyone confirm this ?

Île-de-France, France

just found out why : it's because of keeperFX mod. While it allows to run the game directly in recent windows without dosbox, it seems to have changed the number of ennemies and such.

Île-de-France, France

Ok so i managed to make it work.

First you have to install KeeperFX as it is in the how to of KeeperFX.

Then you'll have to mount the iso (or put the CD in) and take the level folder and copy it into KeeperFX folder.

It's because KeeperFX includes all the downloadable patches that have been released later and they change some things for balancing purpose.

So with this setup we can have Dungeon Keeper running at full speed with no lag under any recent windows.

Now onto the strats !


How's it going mate :)?

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