LiveSplit ASL script
4 years ago
Lorraine, France

Hi there,

I was fed up with splitting manually and I didn't find any Auto Splitter solution available for POD.

So I wrote myself a (very) basic Auto Splitter script for LiveSplit which:

  • starts the timer when the announcer says "GO!" in the first track (Beltane),
  • splits each time the player crosses the finish line,
  • resets the timer if you go back to Beltane.

If you're interested, here's a link to download the script:

I only used this script a couple of times so it may not be 100% bug-free.

Also I play on an original (non-GOG patched) ISO with dgVoodoo 2.7 Glide wrapper, so I don't even know if this works with the GOG version of the game.

That's why any feedback & suggestion would be appreciated :)

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
Northamptonshire, England

Hi there! Awesome to have another runner. I am really amateur at computers and setting this up. I would love to get some advice from you about getting this to work.

When you run the game with livesplits are you able to get the splits to appear on screen. As POD is a full window game i can't get it to appear over the top?

Lorraine, France

Sure, here's all you have to do:

  • Right-click on the LiveSplit window and select "Edit Layout"
  • Click on the "+" button, go to "Control" and add a "Scriptable Auto Splitter"
  • Click on "Layout Settings" and go to the "Scriptable Auto Splitter" tab
  • Click on "Browse..." and select the script you've just downloaded (planetofdeath.asl)
  • All boxes should be checked on by default, if not check them on
  • Click "OK", you're done!

Now LiveSplit should be able to read the game's data from the RAM and make actions (start, split and reset) depending on what's written in the script :)

As for making LiveSplit appear on top of the game, sorry but I can't really help you on that since I always had my splits showing on my second monitor.

Nice work! Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work for me (GOG, patched), guess I'll keep pressing hotkeys :p

Northamptonshire, England

Hi. I'm not sure if i have been doing anything wrong here. so i installed this and tried to test it. I did the first 3 races

  • It detected that the run had started (timer was on 12 minutes).
  • It recognised i had completed three races However! it did not save a time in each race it just skipped it and left it blank
Lorraine, France

Thank you guys for your feedback! I'll see what I can do to fix the issues but so far it seems that both GOG and non-GOG executables are detected by LiveSplit, which is a good sign :)

@Splaysh: could you tell me which patches you've applied to the game? I'll install POD on another machine with nGlide and a few patches to know exactly what's preventing LiveSplit to do its thing.

@PDplum: looks like LiveSplit is skipping splits instead of splitting as it should. Perhaps it's not configured properly? I'll start from a fresh setup and test all sorts of parameters to see if I missed something.

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago

Just the GOG version and nGlide/Podhacks.

Lorraine, France

Okay so I did some tests with a fresh install of LiveSplit and different versions of POD including the GOG one, and I found something interesting: LiveSplit simply cannot detect POD if the latter is launched with admin rights.

I figured this out while playing the standard GOG game (English,, which for some reason has to be run as an administrator while the French GOG version ( doesn't.

The solution is to also run LiveSplit as administrator: just right-click on LiveSplit.exe and select "Run as administrator". Now it should be able to read POD's data :)

Other than that, every version I tested so far worked perfectly fine with LiveSplit, no matter which patches and wrappers are applied.

Works perfectly fine now, thanks for figuring it out!

Btw, dont leave POD and Livesplit open if you're AFK in the main menu. The autosplitter starts and splits even on the demo videos. It messed up all my splits :(

RipperRooTMUF menyukai ini
Lorraine, France

Oh yes indeed, I had omitted that the demo could load Beltane and therefore start the timer :o I will update the script as soon as I find a way to detect that the game is running in demo mode.

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