Question about the recording evidence rule?
2 years ago
Madrid, Spain

Thank you very much for the quick and kind response VisionElf.

With the answers you have given me I agree with you and as a member of this community I abide by the established rules. Thanks to the explanation they are understood a little better.

Regarding the Wraith with EMF 5 teleport ability, I mention it because a run of mine was recently rejected at school where, thanks to the Ouija board, it is clearly seen that he teleported me since I only asked the Ouija board a question and it gave me back a emf 2 and 2 seconds later if I asked no other questions, the emf reader returned an emf 5 when it was in the lobby and the ouija said that the ghost is in a class room and there was no paranormal event. Attached link in case you want to see it:

In any case, I accept the reject of the run and the rules.

Thank you very much for reading me.


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