For whatever reason I didn't have a permanent invite link on here, so I'm gonna change that now. No, you don't need a time on the leaderboard to join the discord anymore. Here's the link, feel free to join.
It's very small and barebones right now, but if it gets a lot better bigger I'll spruce things up. There's no official rules channel yet, but just use common sense and don't be disruptive or shitty to anyone. I'm the only one with mod powers right now so shoot me a dm if you feel like there's an issue relating to the server or one of its members.
By the way, you can put a dedicated Discord server link in the sidebar on the left. 'Edit game' and it's up there.
Due to the new Twitch policy regarding highlights and following what other speedrunning communities are doing, from today Twitch highlights won't be accepted for new submissions on the leaderboard. We highly encourage everyone to export all of your runs (or simply your PB) to YouTube or any similar