Tutorial Heist in 2m 00s by
no mods used around 17 seconds in out of loading screen no access weapons at 2 minutes and 19 seconds
(also if the splits.io looks weird ive never used it untill now since this is the first time i wanted to actually put a run on the leaderboard instead of just speedrunning for fun)
Mod Note: Start Time 18.9, End Time: 2:19.083, Frame Rate: 60, Time: 2:00.183
Please only submit to IGT (In game time) and not "Time"
New Verifiers & Timing Rule Changes!
Hello heisters!
Following much deliberation, using both the results of the forms and internal opinions of the moderator team (obviously leaning more into form results), we have come to announce our two new verifiers! We'd like to welcome @ILLEST & @Y5ET with open arms to the moderation team as our
Berpacu terbaru
Level: No Rest For The Wicked
Level: Turbid Station
Level: Syntax Error