I have a drawing tablet I use to play Osu and I am interested in running this game, however I would like to use my tablet as the game is much more enjoyable for me. Since there is a rule prohibiting it I can only assume that is because someone was doing this at one point and it was seen as an unfair advantage. I won't try to argue that point, but if I were to submit runs with video proof of my hands and a non-screen wacom tablet could a separate category be made for runs using a drawing tablet? I love this game but I don't see the potential for speed being fully utilized here. I'd even say the counter argument of accessibility doesn't really make sense considering a screenless drawing tablet is significantly less expensive than an iOS device. Please let me know! I'd love to pioneer a new way for people to enjoy this game :)
And one more clarifying question: is using a touch screen PC prohibited? I don't see anything against it in the rules and this would objectively be a greater advantage than a regular drawing tablet as prohibited in the game rules.
If tablet runs are prohibited, I would assume touch screens are, as they work similar and definitely a higher advantage. The rules should specify no touch screen as well, assuming that's not allowed : P Also, I think PC touch screen / tablet might be an alright addition to the leaderboard, considering iOS has one. That's just me, though. I play osu as well and also wanted to use the tablet for Papers Please gameplay.
Good osu graphics tablets are actually the cheaper screenless ones, because there is less latency. (General opinion) Not sure if you still need an advice, but XPPen's drawing tablets are very cheap. They perform just as well as a Wacom, but much cheaper. https://www.xp-pen.com/forum-2450.html I use a XPPen Star G640 drawing tablet. Runs OSU well. No problems at all.
I understand this game has recently gotten new mods which I think is fantastic! Can I get some clarification on this whole "Touch Screen Laptops being allowed but Drawing Tablet not" thing? I really want to run this game using my Wacom CTL-4100 ( https://estore.wacom.com/en-US/wacom-intuos-s-black-us-ctl4100.html ) and don't believe it will give me more of an advantage than (for example) a touch-screen laptop which is NOT explicitly prohibited in the rules. I don't mean to be a pest, I just really love this game and I've always played it like that! I think the rule seems arbitrary and I've never been able to get any sort of mod response about it :/
According to the rules: "Tablet (drawing board) is not a permitted input device." This includes drawing tablets.
Yea, but doesn't it seem weird that the rules don't prohibit touch-screen laptops? A touch-screen laptop would be a much larger advantage than a drawing tablet without a screen, but still the later is banned and the former is permitted. I just think there should be an update for the sake of consistency. Personally I am in favor of removing it but I also haven't run this game before so all I can do is logic and reason and polite requests. I would DEFINITELY still run this game if that rule was changed, I'm still here trying to get a response after 9 months so that's gotta count for something...
There is obviously some great mouse players. But, generally speaking there is more disadvantages to playing mouse over tablet. Mouse drift, absolute positioning, less physical movement, less effort for long jumps, more stabilized grip.
In the top 100 I’m pretty sure under 10 use a mouse. I may be wrong on that, but top players do agree mouse is “challenging” in a different way compared to tablet.
The point of this post is for my case I’ve played PC on mouse for years. Games like OSU, etc. I was just shocked to see how much better a tablet felt for me, especially with all the prior muscle memory I had with mouse.
User with nickname WindexTheGr8. Suggested an idea on a speedrunning forum using graphics tablets. One of the moderators thought that this is a good idea in principle, but it gives an advantage over other players, so we decided to make a separate category for all this. It will be called GT (Graphics