House Manipulation and Any%
1 year ago
New Jersey, USA


  • In the house manipulation thread the OP deleted their account so the info is gone. Can anyone describe it so it's documented?

  • Just a general thought, but why is there no Any% category? Perfect Delivery and Non-Perfect Delivery seem like additional categories to the main goal of just beating the game.

Georgia, USA

Good questions, so Non-Perfect is basically any% and Perfect is basically 100%. A lot of the other Paperboy games are also named Perfect/Non-Perfect but some are named on difficulty, not sure why any% isn't used.

About house manipulation, I've been meaning to make a video at least about my process for routing the game. I'll try to do this sooner rather than later.

hobby_joggers menyukai ini
New Jersey, USA

Thanks for the quick response! Looking forward to the video!

If Non-Perfect is Any%, is it necessary for there to be a rule that the player must miss a house every day? Would it make more sense for the rule to be that at least one house must be missed for the entire week? Or is Non-Perfect meant to be an additional category if it retains the rule of missing at least one house each day? I think it's a fun category, but with the additional stipulation it just seems to take away from the spirit of simply beating the game/getting through the week.

Truly not trying to sound antagonistic or argumentative, just thinking about how a more standardized Any% would open the game up for more players.