After many...many attempts of attempting to get a sub 14sec run for the 500 points category. @brkmnly and I realized that our Difficulty switch was set in the B Position which totally changes ghost timings and power pellet duration. Checked other submitted runs after knowing this and there are a variety of runs of some being in Switch A and B. Page definitely needs to updated in someway to deal with this. Classic blunder I guess... lul.
DSP = Difficulty Switch Position
The Super Metroid SRC page utilizes many different columns to display information about the specific run (they went way too far with columns imho). That could be the perfect solution here! Adding 2 columns to the board displaying Game Variation and DSP could:
- help prevent ignorance from new players, and
- allow runners to easily see what strategies are currently dominant per category.
Point 1 would prevent further instances of Dorito's frustration trying to run 500pts, as well as and my ignorance with Game Variation that made me submit Fast Moving Pac-Man categories unknowingly. Overall columns would allow for easier access of information allowing runners new to this game to be fully aware of the options at their disposal.
Selectors for the GameVar column would include the numbers 1-8 (In practice the Slow-Moving categories would only ever display 1, 2, 7, or 8; while the Fast-Moving would only display 3-6). Selectors for the DSP column would include the letters A & B. Mockup:
In my testing DSP/A made Power Pellets last for 5 beeps, while on DSP/B they lasted for 10. BurgerTime Intellivision SRC page also utilizes columns. Difficulty Switch function is described here. My previous replies were bugging, I apologize for the clutter.
Difficulty Switches don't affect the 100pt categories; Star and I took advantage of Game No. 2's higher speed to get a lower time
I've added the game Pac-Man 4K as a hidden category. It may be a homebrew game, but it was included on the official Atari Flashback Portable; instead of the original 2600 Pac-Man. 4K is more like the Arcade and is very fun, check out my run!
Also join the [Pac-Man Arcade & Ports discord](