I am a Japanese player. The regulation of One Way Heroics RTA in SRC is not detailed. I think it should be clarified.
○ プレイ条件 ○ ・職業:海賊 ・特徴:筋+2、呼吸3 ・難易度:普通の旅 マニアモード ・世界:ランダム世界 ・クリア条件:2000km果て到達
○ 計測開始 ○ ・世界生成のロード終了後キー入力した瞬間
○ 計測終了 ○ ・「世界の果てだ!」を選択した瞬間
○ rule ○ ・Class : Pirate ・Perks : Strength+ * 2,Breath Control * 3 ・Difficulty : Afternoon Stroll + Maniac Mode ・World : Random World ・Goal : End of the World(2000km)
○ Start measurement ○ ・Immediately after pressing the button after the end of Generating World.
○ End of measurement ○ ・Immediately after selecting The End of the World.
There is a problem with the current page, which has two games, One Way Heroics (OWH) and One Way Heroics Plus (OWHP), separated as Game Versions. Therefore, we will open a new page for OWHP and transfer the records there. In addition, there are so many problems with the current OWH and OWHP categori