Remove orb flags
1 year ago

Is it allowed to edit the save file to remove orb flags (spell unlocks)? If this is allowed, you can get some useful spells from orbs every time (Deercoy and Earthquake are useful on all bosses)

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago

It's probably best to update the rules, since the new bosses are affected by it as well.


Sorry that I haven't seen this until now, but yes people have been editing orb flags to get deercoy and stuff and this is totally fine by me. I think the current rules are only against getting extra healing from editing boss kill flags away so rules are fine on this part.


Just confirming so there are no misunderstandings.

Can I remove only the orb flag and leave the spell unlock flag? (You can get deercoy from the orb, but you could also get deercoy from the wand or store)

I believe this is an inherently impossible situation and should not be allowed.


Sure, we can rule that out from now on. However its going to be difficult to enforce. If people find the spell before visiting the orb room, they might avoid the orb to not show that the orb would have given the spell too.