Создайте отдельно категорию для ранов с мутаторами // Create a separate category for runs with mutators
1 year ago


Liguria, Italy

Personally, I don't see the point. Mutators are essentially console cmds that are input automatically at the start of the round. We are barely receiving any submissions for the one category we have now, it wouldn't make sense to add two or three more with minor variations.


Я сейчас сравнил свой пробег и твой. Отличия по скорости колоссальные. Я тогда не понимаю почему у тебя практически не отнимается стамина во время бега и рывков. Или мне сравнение на youtube сделать? I just compared my mileage and yours. The differences in speed are enormous. Then I don't understand why stamina is practically not taken away from you during running and jerks. Or should I make a comparison on youtube?

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Liguria, Italy

[quote]Я сейчас сравнил свой пробег и твой. Отличия по скорости колоссальные. Я тогда не понимаю почему у тебя практически не отнимается стамина во время бега и рывков. Или мне сравнение на youtube сделать? I just compared my mileage and yours. The differences in speed are enormous. Then I don't understand why stamina is practically not taken away from you during running and jerks. Or should I make a comparison on youtube?[/quote] I did not use any mutators; there are some advanced speedrunning strats that you're simply unaware of. I highly suggest you download my demos and watch them in game. You can analyze my inputs via developer 1;demo_debug 1;con_filter_enable 1;con_filter_text "dem_consolecmd" to find the answers you're looking for.


Did you just hold shift from the beginning and hold it until the end? ahhahaha Or am I crazy?


If you go forward and spam shift you'll notice that your stamina instadepletes. It's safe to say that when you initially press shift to run, your character burns a burst of stamina to start running. If you keep the shift pressed, it's like you never stopped running so you never get to trigger the burst, even if you stop and start moving again. A technique that you could use to optimize stamina managment is to never let go the shift key and resting your character by walking sideways (if you strafe while pressing shift you walk, walking doesn't consume stamina and technically you never stopped running).

Lesser the stamina, slower you go, so having a good stamina managment is key to get the best times. I realized this while using "cl_showpos 1", it shows your current speed and you can get a better sense of stamina by tracking the values.

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