How to run other WADs/PK3s with MyHouse.wad
How to run other WADs/PK3s with MyHouse.wad
Diperbarui 6 months ago oleh Lavender9999

From what I've seen, most IWADs work with MyHouse.Wad from the get go. But alternate classes and such may net you an interesting error - VM Execution Aborted: tried to read from address zero.

This is due to how MyHouse.Wad handles the chainsaw. But this is an easy fix, which only requires two things: A clean copy of MyHouse.Wad for editing, and SLADE. I would like to point out that unless your run REQUIRES the chainsaw, this won't affect your runs at all contentwise.

  • Above all else, if you still want to play Fresh MyHouse.Wad with no mods and the chainsaw, copy your existing PK3. It's as easy as clicking on the file, ctrl+c, ctrl+v.
  • Open your copy of MyHouse.pk3 in SLADE by dragging the file onto the .exe. It'll open a window that looks like a file explorer. Don't get intimidated, this'll be easy.
  • Click on ZSCRIPT, and scroll down to line 180. Here, you'll find the ChainsawRemover. And we're going to remove the remover.
  • Select everything from lines 180 to 221, and hit Backspace or Delete. But we aren't done quite yet, so save what you've done and move over to MAPINFO.
  • On line 4, you'll see another ChainsawRemover call. Delete that as well.

With that, you should be able to run most WADs and PK3s over MyHouse now. I've personally been using the Bring Your Own Class PK3 to practice some sillier strats with the custom characters like Peppino, Noise, and Heavy.

Happiness has to be fought for, and modding this incredible map is no exception.

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