Fun facts in Moy's World
3 years ago
  1. If timed correctly, a two press two-block jump is a few pixels higher than a one press two-block jump.
Moymix menyukai ini
  1. Powerups in Android last much longer than powerups in iOS. It means moy can get a boost for much longer on Android. However, the boost length varies +/- 1 second at most due to lag or responsiveness.
Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
  1. You can buffer movement in Moy's World. For example, When Moy is playing the death animation, you can hold right. Then after it finished, Moy will move immdiately to the right.
Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
  1. In level select, you can shake your phone to shake the background.
Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
  1. I found a funny glitch that I call Moy's state glitch. If you exit the level while Moy is playing the death animation, Moy will turn upside down in the dressing room. If you get damaged, if timed correctly, Moy will be invisible. If you exit the level with a powerup, Moy will wear the powerup clothes.
Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
superkarim_11EA dan Fern11011 menyukai ini
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago
  1. If you get a power up and die, there's a 50% chance of getting the same power up again
TheRunner89 menyukai ini
  1. I found another glitch that lets you get keys when moy dies. Some part of the game code might look like this: if moy touches blue key{ get blue key }
Fern11011 menyukai ini
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I wonder if 7 can be used to finish a level, like touching the door while moy's is dead


You can because, 8. You can touch the door while moy is dead. It seems like keys and doors have higher priority than everything else.

  1. You can also collect stars while moy is dead. So, in conclusion, anything with a hitbox that doesn't show animations when touched can be touched while moy is dead.

The reason why this happens is because if you look closely, when moy dies, all animations stop except for moy's death, so you can't collect coins, chests, and powerups. However, keys, the door, and stars don't have animations, so they can be collected even when moy dies.

  1. New glitch. You can shoot cannonballs while moy is dead. Should be helpful in finding moy's terminal velocity. Since only moy moves when moy dies, the cannonballs get stuck in their place.
Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
Fern11011 menyukai ini
  1. I found a new glitch. If you hold any direction and exit moy's world using the home button or the recents key, then open moy's world, moy will move in the direction you are holding. It also allows moy to jump while not holding the jump button. If you press the left/right direction before up when holding, when you go to the next level, moy will jump always. Watch the video here:
Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
Fern11011 menyukai ini
  1. There are many random things in moy's world. The speed of turtles and "goombas", the position of the enemies, and even the time between shoots for the shooter. There is also a random time between when the worms come out of the pipe.
Fern11011 menyukai ini
  1. Interesting fact: It takes 13 frames or 0.216 s for broken rocks to fully break. Based on moy's world running at 60 fps
Georgia, USA

why isnt there a discord for this?

  1. There is now a discord for this called moy's world speedrunning.
Statistik Game