Rule Update for Turbo Subcategory
Rule Update for Turbo Subcategory
Diposting 1 month ago oleh

Hello and good morning Mouthwashing speedrunners!

As Nikoheart recently announced, we have added a turbo subcategory to the Any% Glitchless speedrun category. This addition was intended to make the main category more accessible to everyone. However, it ended up being even more unfair than before, with the turbo being inconsistent and hardware-dependent. This is obviously not ideal, as it defeats the purpose of what a turbo is supposed to offer.

In an attempt to combat this as best we can, we have implemented a new rule requiring the game to be capped at 60 FPS for any Turbo subcategories. I understand this is unfavorable for some people, but we believe this is the best shot we have at combating any hardware advantages early. You may use any method to cap FPS, so long as it never goes above 60 throughout the duration of the run. I have attached a download for RivaTuner in the games “resources” section, along with a guide on how to use it. RivaTuner is considered one of the best and easiest ways to cap game FPS and is the method I will be using for my own runs.

In addition to this rule, there is also a new rule that requires FPS to be shown in submitted runs. This can be enabled from the debug section in the top right of the game’s console. Once again, I understand that this is inconvenient, but it is necessary to ensure the legitimacy and fairness of any runs submitted. Please also keep in mind that enabling FPS from the game's console does not require enabling cheats, and enabling cheats is banned.

If you would like any clarification on the updated rules, please be sure to check the resources tab as well as the category’s rules, as those should give a general idea of what is expected. Remember that both of these rule changes are TURBO CATEGORIES ONLY. They do not apply to “no turbo” or “glitched” categories. As it currently stands, runs from before this change will be grandfathered in. If this ends up being a bigger issue, with runners feeling as though these runs are far too optimal for the updated requirements, we will revisit this choice in the future. For now, it feels extreme to wipe a leaderboard, but we will do what we must.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the Mouthwashing Speedrunning discord server, which you can find here: Also, if you have any feedback about these rules, including other methods of capping FPS, opinions on the change, or any other commentary, feel free to leave that in the discord server as well. Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, and I hope that this doesn’t demotivate anyone from speedrunning this wonderful game. Always remember, have fun and go fast!

TL;DR: New rules for the Turbo subcategory are as follows:

  • The game must be capped at 60 FPS. Any method of this is allowed, so long as it properly caps the FPS. (Here is one available method of capping FPS: RivaTuner Download)

  • You must enable "FPS Visible" in the game's debug menu in the console, which you can access by pressing "~" on your keyboard.

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Rule Update for Turbo Subcategory

Hello and good morning Mouthwashing speedrunners!

As Nikoheart recently announced, we have added a turbo subcategory to the Any% Glitchless speedrun category. This addition was intended to make the main category more accessible to everyone. However, it ended up being even more unfair than before, w

1 month ago
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