Rules on skipping fights in Tower/Story mode
8 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

So its been brought to my attention by Joker that rules on skipping fights were not established when the leaderboard was first made. Ive only been a moderator for a few weeks and I definitely didnt think about it. Mostly because skip fight tokens cost real currency. Which would make the run Pay to win, potentially.

Theres the argument that you could keep creating new accounts to get the 3 free tokens but that would make the run far less enjoyable imo.

But im not gonna decide a ruleset purely on my own opinion. I believe it shouldnt be allowed. So for now Ill reject any runs using skip fight tokens and update the rules to include it, mostly because even if it were allowed it would have to be a different category, as those without skip fight tokens would simply be unable to compete. But Joker hold on to that run just in case people speak up in favour of it.

But please, Id love to hear peoples opinions on the topic.

California, USA

I actually agree with you though. Potentially someone could have 11 skips fights and it would just be you can press start then skip fight the fastest. Making a new skip fight category would just be pretty trouble some to play through. So this is a doen vote on that topic :).

Michigan, USA

I agree to disallow this based solely on the pay to win argument.

New South Wales, Australia

Cool, thanks.


Disallowing skip tokens is a good call IMO.

IAmJoker75 dan Shade667 menyukai ini
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