Congratz pZ0n3
7 years ago

Good job with getting WR, didn't think it would be possible to beat.

Michigan, USA

About that actually. When you start the timer at the beginning, the game loads and you take control after 1 second. BUT in pZ0n3's 'wr' run, the timer in his video starts at around 1.2 and HE IS ALREADY IN THE SECOND ROOM. I ask that his run be taken down unless he provides the full run and it is re timed. This game has a very active community and I know a lot of people who are upset about this. Thank you.

1uckynumb3r7 dan ReenaTM menyukai ini
Michigan, USA

Bump, I think the fade in the beginning and the end obscures the speed in the first room. We'd need to see a view without the odd editing first.

1uckynumb3r7 dan LevKester menyukai ini
Michigan, USA

I also took a look at the video for the WR. It seems that at 12s in the youtube video () the video fades in in the second room which is where the timer starts. I also noticed another run on the youtube channel that fades in the video right before the cave entrance. It seems pZ0n3/banana has a little bit of confusion on the rules of the speedrun - which is alright, hopefully this clarifies the rules on the speedrun for him - however I am admittedly a bit disappointed that the mods failed to catch this in their verification of the run (especially since Moirai is such a short run) and hope that they keep this in mind for the future.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
LevKester dan ReenaTM menyukai ini
Michigan, USA

Bumping for visibility. Crashbashhash we hope you will take down pz0n3's fraudulent world record run soon


THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! I have taken down 9z0n3's record and told him to upload an unedited copy instead, sorry I didn't notice the fade when verifying the run and will try and not make the same mistake twice.

Michigan, USA

Ty. I still think that 40 sec run is scetchy since it also doesn't start at the beginning but we thank you for your modding


Fixed that one as well, sorry about the lazy modding. Been busy with other stuff and didn't wanna let these runs not get verified so I just accepted everything assuming people wouldn't try and get dodgy runs verified. I might need to get a new mod to help out soon.

Michigan, USA

I'd be more than willing to help out if you'd like

Nevada, USA

fine I well upload unedit one but I well edit it but the fade in part at the beginning won't happen

Nevada, USA

and that one video that loveofmykin did trying to disrespect me didn't disrespect me, because everyone called me a cheater and disrespect me so am use to it


Dude don't feel disrespected, loveofmykin even said that he meant no disrespect.

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