Surprise Speedruns Infiltration
5 years ago
Virginia, USA

Hey there! I'm Violin and I am running a monthly community event called Surprise Speedruns, where everyone is challenged to run a specific game that is randomly pulled from and the players compete for a $100 prize pool at the end of the month! I wanted to let you know that M&M's: Shell Shocked was randomly selected for January and you can expect many new submissions between now and then! Unfortunately none of the runners who have submitted before today will qualify for the prize pool (as it would be unfair to everyone learning the game as of today), but if anyone from the Shell Shocked community would like to help new people out, or compete in future games, feel free to join our Discord server and introduce yourselves!

BlueImp, Avasam dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
United States

can i get $10 for playing this game before it was cool?

teh_supar_hackr menyukai ini
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