I would like to request a new category
7 years ago
Indiana, USA

I feel completing the game up to the "Monster Hunter" quest is too tedious and not what speedrunning is about. In my personal experience I was barely able to complete that quest with g rank gear, which we cannot get unless we also do the gathering hall quests, which is unreasonable for a single player to do in addition to the village quests. Unless I am greatly misinformed here, I believe it is not reasonable for someone to complete the "Monster Hunter" quest in high rank gear, and it's certainly not something I would like to even attempt. I believe this is why there are no submitted runs and general lack of interest in speedrunning this game. I would like to propose 2 categories, either of which I feel are more reasonable to complete. 1st, complete the Village Chief's quests up to the last urgent, which I believe is Secret Request: Hypnocatrice, thus excluding Nekhot's quests completely; Or secondly, complete the guild hall quests up to and including the final urgent: Absolute Zero.

HowDenKing menyukai ini
European Union

[quote=sonnie] I believe this is why there are no submitted runs and general lack of interest in speedrunning this game[/quote] I agree that Full-Game runs are quite a feat to do, and not many even attempt to do these. BUT, the main problem is that the majority of people are interested in ILs rather than Full-Game, mostly by japanese gamers - as ILs allow you to use whatever.

I have only recently gotten Moderator on the older MH games, as such I haven't gotten around to setting up everything and apologize for not getting to it sooner. (last game I set up the IL page for was MH4U) Nonetheless, I'll take your suggestions into account once I get to this game (unless @SlayerOfBabies is faster than me). btw if you happen to know if there's a list of all available quests, that would help cut down time to set up immensely.


Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
TingTyphoon menyukai ini
Indiana, USA

i would like to thank you for adding the categories @European Union. I couldn't have set them up better myself. That's exactly how they should be, a category for each amount of players and a few for the village. I look forward to running this game soon.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
European Union

[quote=SlayerOfBabies]I don't know who changed the rule to be beating Monster Hunter, that was not the rule when I made it or when I ran the category once.[/quote] **see edit at bottom. **

the point tho: "unlock cutscene X" is an ambiguous requirement to begin with so timing is an issue, see THIS THREAD to remind you that it's not clear on when to exactly start.

last hit on last monster is more clear - and there is no meaningful gameplay after the monster has been defeated either.

And to allow players to create their own character (which also does not impact IGT) starting timer when they are done creating their character is also the most logical step to me. (SDA timing - first meaningful input after charCreation to loss of control)

[Quote=SlayerOfBabies]because the current 2 single player categories are retarded[/quote] Please explain, Village Elder would be MHP2s story, where as Nekoht would be the additional G rank story, would it not? It's been a while since I've been playing this game, so if my memory is fuzzy I apologize.

I'd like to note tho that I have no intentions to "remove your moderator status" and will never have such intentions - We're here to moderate - not fight. I was presented with an issue by @sonnie that I was trying to resolve by making these changes. As you said yourself in your edit, the category would take about 7 hours if done good, so giving an alternative Any% that is shorter is not farfetched, just saying "run the other game" feels like the cheap way out.

/edit: just double checked, it's the quest "Rise to the Summit" (Nekoht 9 Star Quest / Arena Akantor) that unlocks the video - goal has been changed accordingly.

/edit 2: Offer from me: If we can't find common ground, I'll unmod myself after reverting the changes.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Indiana, USA

@SlayerOfBabies Firstly you are being very rude, you need to calm down. I never claimed to know which category is most logical and I think it's up to debate if you ask me. I don't see what's so silly about beating the village elder's last quest. I brought up the Monster Hunter quest because I thought that was where the credits came in. Again, my mistake. Regardless It takes too long to beat Rise to the Summit, so saying do a run first is kind of illogical, because I don't want to run a 15 hour category. Whether it ends at Shen Gaoren or Tigrex, I am fine with, I simply wanted a shorter category.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
HowDenKing menyukai ini
Indiana, USA

I've done several runs up to Shen Gaoren actually. Are you going to be changing the categories back then?

European Union

Okay. First of all, keep the insults to yourself - because that gets people banned, not just removed from moderator. See @Pixql & @Racingmonster and how it turned out for them to insult people. There is no place for such hostile behaviour, especially because of 1 minor mistake on my end, as I have said, I haven't touched the game for a while now, and on top of that I've played it in a different language, so pardon me if my Memory of what exactly unlocks a specific thing is fuzzy, 1 mistake does not imply I have no idea about how the game works.

It's like you didn't even read through my response, nor show any interest in actually improving the leaderboard, but rather just defend your own position, which is of course the most correct one.

[quote=SlayerOfBabies]make sure someone actually runs a game before you add a category[/quote] so we remove segmented as well going by that logic (I guess your decisions are an exception because of aforementioned?)

[quote=SlayerOfBabies]I'm not here to fight or argue with anyone[/quote]

May I present you:

[quote=SlayerOfBabies][...] retarded. [...] stupid [...] you have no knowledge [...] this shit [...] you are an idiot [...] [/quote]

Yes, definitely - because calling ones decisions retarded, stupid, shit - telling them they have no clue and being an idiot is what defines "not here to fight or argue".

Either way, you have shown to be completely desinterested in finding common ground, building a defensive wall around you instead. See where that attidude gets you in life.

I'll remove all ILs (a.k.a. the thing most runs exist for atm) and revert the changes to the FG Board as I've said. After I'm done I'll remove myself from moderator - if you want this game to stay at 0 runs, do as you wish.

@sonnie If you'd like to report any of this, @Gyoo , @ROMaster2 , @kirkq & @Pac are the go-to people you'd want to contact - I've been bothering them too much lately anyway so I'd feel bad if I burdened them even more w/ my usually wall-of-text-y messages.


Indiana, USA

I'm not upset with you, I am disappointed that I'm not going to be running this game. I do have one of my runs saved still, but what's the point, I like your idea better anyway of the category being up until tigrex. What is a segmented run anyway?

Indiana, USA

I'm still not understanding the segmented run fully. Does it use RTA or IGT? Does the time count during the village? What about during quests? Do only key quests count towards the time? I can somewhat understand why you wouldn't want to add the tigrex category in that case, all I know is this is the game I started on and I would not like to go back to the older ones.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Indiana, USA

That sounds like it would make the run take even longer. The run I did already took 6 hours, which is too long for me. What about a ng+ run? Is this something that is feasible? Ok I will link it but I need to upload it first.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Indiana, USA

Yes this was one of my first runs, I realized shortly after that IGT was not the way to time it. It's probably 20 minutes longer due to me taking a break or something and not pausing it. Also abandoning quests resets the IGT I believe. Which is another reason it shouldn't be used. Unless some rules were implemented, someone could easily abandon a quest if they make a mistake or get bad RNG and redo it without any penalty; Not only could they do it but at a certain point it would become mandatory if you want to save time. Anyway what I would really like is if we could get the multiplayer categories back at least. I've not done something like that yet, and it just sounds so unique and fun how can we not have it as a category.

Indiana, USA

Thanks for verifying it. There's more to come in the future, but I'd like to ask; Would you like to do the multiplayer category with me, or even play casually?

European Union

@SlayerOfBabies just out of curiosity, since you added the category yourself now, how is your approach better than the way I had added it? (as a subcategory) all you did was add additional, unecessary clicks.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
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