Superior Mode
5 years ago
United States

Might I request individual chapter speedruns for Superior Mode. I think it would be a great addition

Utah, USA

Sure! I am new at the speedrun site, so I'll get it as soon as I can! And new at the speedrunning in general...

IAmRiver menyukai ini
United States

Haha, no worries. I'm new in the community as well and decided to start off with this game because it brought back the nostalgia of the older Ultimate Alliances haha.

United States

Individual chapters would be pretty cool, it's just super tough to balance since everyone will have different levels and ISOs. I hope since they are supporting the game well with new chapters coming that they add a level 100 mode so we can use everyone from the start. Then the individual levels could be balanced around that.

Glad to see you guys running the game as well and other fans of X-Men Legends and Ultimate Alliance series!

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