Leaderboard change announcement
1 month ago
Maryland, USA

I went ahead and merged Story Mode into one big category as opposed to having separate categories. As a result, I had rejected some past submissions where the video proof wasn't there, and I apologize to those that got a ton of notifications regarding this. I have restored your runs, as they've been accepted in the past, so we'll leave them in the history books.

From here on out though, all NEW runs without video proof will be rejected.

I also went ahead and added All VS Minigames to the leaderboard with Any and Expert difficulty added as options.

If there are any other categories in mind to add, let me know and I may be open to adding them if interest is drawn!

TheKingOfFlub menyukai ini
United States

I enjoy this change a lot! I do have a question about the "All Minigames" category, though. "All Minigames" (Technically "All Minigames, any%") is already a category in the Mario Party Category extensions, which I have record in. Should I reupload my run that I submitted there to here? (It does follow all the same rules and would be an any% run) And just for the record, I do like it better on this page than the Category Extensions page because it's easier to gain support for All Minigames here than over on Category Extensions.

Maryland, USA

Yes please feel free to transfer your run over! I might manually try to upload others runs from there, if possible, when I get a free hand.

TheKingOfFlub menyukai ini
United States
Dihapus oleh penulis
Michigan, USA

I would be in support of moving all of the runs from the Mario Party Category Extensions page over to this main page, I would say the original intention of something like a category extensions page is for particularly memey/arbitrary categories, which I don't believe apply to anything that Mario Party 4 has on category extensions. Additionally, I think opening up both minigame speedruns (probably just the ones where a timer is actually displayed, i.e. Mario Medley, Right Oar Left, etc.) as well as individual board speedruns would be fantastic. The simple reality is most people do not have the time or patience to complete a full story mode speedrun, limiting the amount of submitted runs/active runners that this game can even attain at the moment, so we could really open the game up by adding these, too many categories is a much better alternative to too few of them, and additional categories for this game have quite literally been requested for 8 years at this point (as is evidenced by these forums), what's the hold up? The interest is clearly there and it's frankly unconscionable at this point that they haven't been added many years ago. This is by no means an attack on you AQ, as I believe you've only recently been granted mod status for this game anyways, and I'm quite happy that you added All MInigames as a category as well, but the addition of the aforementioned categories is desperately needed.

Maryland, USA

I don’t disagree! I’d be happy to add ILs and individual minigames when I get a bit of free time on my hands 🙂

MP4 when I got on was only Story Mode and All Presents, and I definitely wanted to have more categories available, so I started with All Minigames (a popular demand among the discord). This is some great suggesting to start with.

As you stated, I am recently new to this leaderboard, but have not seen the old suggestions. Please feel free to reach out to me on discord if any more come to mind!

Diedit oleh penulis 6 days ago