glitchless category for ILs
1 year ago
Queensland, Australia

this has been bothering me about 5-1 for months now, but because of reasons I think this is actually pretty relevant for most stages in this game. not to spread all the categories we have even thinner, but I think the ILs might benefit from a glitchless toggle.

unless we want to just not worry about it and just have ILs be anything goes, but that would basically completely divorce them from the main full game categories people run which are all glitchless and I don't really like that very much.

on the other hand, nobody even runs ILs except me and plush and apparently we have 1.1 on the way which is gonna patch out like every known glitch, so maybe it's not even worth bothering. but I felt I had to bring it up anyway.

United States

with 1.1 so close now is not the time for leaderboard changes imo. discussion should be fine to have after the update tho

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Lazio, Italy
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

We might as well leave it as it is until 1.1 comes out.

If the patch will be good enough to have no glitches, personally I would put 1.1 and 1.0X in the same leaderboard (Hopefully 1.1 will be faster in both ILs and full categories), and maybe another category for 1.0X glitched runs. And the latter might not even be necessary (is there anyone who would be interested in making 1.0X glitched runs after 1.1 comes out?)

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
Statistik Game
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But just now, L

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