How To Do The DIfficult Skips - Shanghai Showdown

Hey! :-D

Let`s Start With The First Section!

So. I Saw Prnced (There May Be More Runners)

The Resurrection-Skip.

What On Earth Is The Trick!? :-D

Is It Just Waiting? Frame-Perfect? Is It Possible On XBOX 360?

Do You Have To Be Fast Enough And Hit Both Triggers??? (The Object You Stand On That IDK The Name Of)

Appericiate The Support, Help! ;-)

WiiSuper menyukai ini
Des Moines, IA, USA

I think the skip you are referring to is the early sword skip or the non-jewel skip. If it's not, let me know. It is possible on Xbox 360 and it is not frame perfect. To do it, you need an enemy on the stage. You can do that by going in the corner on the stage or by having one of the melee you until he gets up there. Next, get him to melee you until he is behind one of the buttons. It's recommended that he kills you at this point so that you spawn on the other side of him and can run to the other button. When you respawn, the enemy will move to attack you and will step on the button in the process. If you are standing on the button when he runs over it, you can get early sword. If you miss the sword throw, you have to redo the whole setup. The video below is my current PB. If you start it around 43:15 you will see the glitch.

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