speedrun tricks
1 year ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

could anybody evtl please explain dino13's strats/glitches? how to pull them off, i mean...not technically, why they do work :D

i have the ps3 as well as the newest (steam) pc version...were there patches after the initial release? i just cant manage to do the "custom adventurer moonjump"! i clicked next left/right char exavtly at the same time or in other tries slightly after each other...i hold jump all the time like he did and i switched/reswitched chars in various timings (directly, few frames after, half a second later and so on)...i always loose height, after a jump i get a maximum of 3 parachute openings until i reach ground again...so, what's the magic vehind that?? :o :D

and the dispositioned roll-out after changing vertical sync also won't work for me, i tried multiple/uncountable times hitting the pause button before the head touches ground, on nearly first frame of it and right afterwards...nothing special seems/wants to happen there for me... on ps3 the vSync-opt is missing...on pc i got 60hz (can slow down to 40), he's using 59...is that the problem/difference? and is it relevant, if vS is on/off or 30 for each skip? or does is just have to change, so computing values is inter-/corupted? thx before for any kind of help here!! :)

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

some tricks do work by the way: such as velociraptor skips to higher (intentionally not climbable) ledges...the bird cage rush via billy also was doable...so i dont know, if i just do something wrong or have arbitrarily hilarious incorrect input-timings for those...

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

oh, and those delayed(? at least controller shows it for my eyes...) – but fast feeling/looking – jumps at


just are too heavy/much for me... anything neccessary to consider there? thx again for every support on any of my questions!! (:

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

and i'm really sorry for this already monologue-spam, but i forgot about the last/newest thing, i did find out and wanted to ask about ☛

how?? it just doesnt work for me... (doing most of the tries on pc, as he also plays there) these little bugs like parachting after falling in the kitchen escape onto the table; all of this work...also most compymode-glitches...but i'm curious, why i cant do the above mentioned...

United States

For the infinite height glitch (the "custom adventurer moonjump"), you need to have vsync off for it to work.

For vsync launches (the "dispositioned roll-out"), you need to go from vsync set to 30 or on and turn it off during the pause; it should also be possible to get a launch without changing vsync during the pause by having it off the whole time. Launches without vsync changes are faster, launches changing 60 to off get more height, and launches changing 30 to off get even more height, but don't work on some surfaces that you can normally launch off of. Also, for launches, if you press any direction after getting them, you will fall back to the ground, so you need to not hold any directional buttons after unpausing.

For those two jumps, you need to have vsync off (assuming you mean the jump Sarah makes in the second video).

For the scope jump in the last video, you need to press and hold the attack button, jump right after, and then you will be able to jump midair (you'll know you're able to jump if you miss it by the scope opening up).

defqon_Jan menyukai ini
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

i normally play without vsync, because my pc lags...so most of the time i have it off by default, except i see you turning it on explicitly for a trick, i'm trying to copy... so, that can't be the problem in my executions... (① & ③)

for ②: ooooh, the info to hold neutral on the control stick is very helpful, that may ate all my pause-buffered/stored upwarp energy... didn't find time to look at your input display while those launches were going on, because i always was so fascinated by the possible outcome :D thx!!

④for that i indeed saw/watched the controller inputs and noticed the mid-air regular re-jump...but couldn't pull it off... but meanwhile i at least was able to copy the out of bounds (level) skip with claire and also the alan raptor-fight skip over the wall/fence in eric kirby... for the other before mentioned jumps i again tried hours today, sadly with no success... :/ i'll keep grinding... thanks so much for instant replies on youtube and here!! :)

Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

don't want to annoy you, but @Dino13 did you get/read my PM from a week ago?

it's not urgent, but i just wanted to make sure, the messaging system here works... :)

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