Optimal solutions for all Heading Out? floors
3 months ago

This video shows optimal solutions for all 120 floors of Heading Out? mode. (30 floors in Easy, 50 in Average, 40 in Hard.)

Kwirk Heading Out? solutions

Normally, Heading Out? mode gives you floors in a random order, and it's hard to avoid repeats. This video uses a cheat code (hold Left+Select at the "select display" menu) to play all the floors straight through in numeric order.

Every floor has a 50% random chance of being inverted vertically, and the cheat code does not disable this. When you play a run, a floor may be upside-down compared to what is shown in the video. The solution is essentially the same, just change Up moves to Down moves and vice versa.

The solutions were found by a computer search and are optimal unless there is a bug in my program. There may be other solutions that are equally fast, but not faster. Source code, and a BizHawk Lua script to recreate the movie, can be found at the video page.

If you need the move sequences in a machine-readable form, you can find them in the SOLUTIONS table at the top of the Lua script. There are separate solutions for both non-inverted and inverted versions of floors.

	-- Easy
	[ "30" ] = { frames =  222, steps =  24, moves = "WWWWWWNWSWNWSWNWSWWWWWWW" },
	[ "30i"] = { frames =  240, steps =  26, moves = "WWSWWWWNWSWNWSWNWSWWWWNWWW" },
	-- etc.
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