Minor skips
8 years ago
Illinois, USA

Found a couple minor skips playing chapter 1, so thought I'd share them.

First one I wouldn't really call a skip, but when dodging the spike bed in the beginning of the game, it's fairly simple to avoid the second alcove altogether, just by going up as soon as the bed passes below you. You need to be a little careful not to accidentally hit the bed, but it's pretty lenient.

The second thing is right after, tiptoeing around the bone piles. You can skip hopping into the second bed, simply by making steady progress upwards immediately after exiting the first bed, and then making a dash for the ladder once the second bed drops from the ceiling. The window for this is somewhat tight, but still fairly easy to pull off.

This next one I don't understand, but when messing with the contraption to feed the dragon to get the Mirror, you can sometimes ring the bell prematurely. I think normally you need to wait for the meat to hit the ground (same with switching the meat to the other side), but there have been instances where I've rung it prematurely, immediately after switching the meat around (as I said, there's normally a wait). Unfortunately, most of the time it's too early for the cutscene where the dragon eats the meat to play, but I've had that happen a couple times. Absolutely no clue why this happens, and if it's timing related, I've no idea when to do it so it actually saves time.

Immediately after grabbing the Mirror, when you're running across the collapsing bed bridge, if you fall into the hole just before the last jump (basically, the middle tile just before the jump - it kinda looks like the holes form an upside-down "T"), instead of dying the game still sends you to the next area, saving a couple seconds. The window for this seems to be pretty tight, so it's high risk / low reward.

Well, that's all I remember. Anyone else have anything to share?

Diedit oleh penulis 8 years ago