The run began November 14th and ended December 26th of 2021. The end time is based on the last seen time when the save was taken in the menu. I utilized a mapping tool to update an applications information based on information in game. This app is called JC2 Map Viewer. I also made a photoshop map of the game to plan my route with a written out version to accompany it. Commenting is turned on in this link if you want to ask questions: . the youtube link I have is a playlist with all of my gameplay. Note that some of the videos recorded do not actually effect the in game % since the game crashes. I have opted to include them for transparency, however its safe to just skip these as the next video picks up where I had left off in the previous uploads. Take as much time as you seem fit to verify this run since it is so long.
Hello Prospective World Record Holder,
If you have submitted a run for any category and it has not been verified within 1 week, please head over to the Just Cause Speedrunning Discord and notify us in the Just Cause 2 channel. We will work to verify or reject your run as quick as possible.