4 years ago
Ohio, USA

Ok, So the reason why I haven't been speedrunning Just Dance or any game is because of school, depression, or stress. School has really kept me busy with projects, homework, and Math topics. So I have really bad depression, and school hasn't been helping with that with all the work and stuff. Stress is one of the worst things because every time I feel like I have messed up on something I get so stressed and cry. I'm gonna speedrun Just Dance 2014 on February 10th see you then.

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
CYLITM menyukai ini
New Jersey, USA

Yo, I've been there bro. School is important but your mental health is important too. Don't force yourself to speedrun if you don't want to. You've been a great asset to our extremely niche community. Take as much time as you need to work on your school and mental health. We aren't going anywhere and we'll always be right here if you need to talk.

CYLITM dan Just_Brayy menyukai ini
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Changes to Sweat & Playlists

heya dancers! you may have noticed that the sweat & playlists categories have been cleared and been moved to the legacy category. this is due to the fact that we're adding in some spice to the category. sweat & playlists now has two sub-categories, unlimited excluded and unlimited included. unlimite

3 years ago
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