How to lock game at 60 FPS
4 years ago
  1. Download Cheat Engine (click on 'Download Cheat Engine'). Don't worry, there's no viruses, but for example Windows operating system will detect it as a virus (it's a game hacking program after all), so you have to allow it on your system. + If you want, you can download program from GitHub (scroll to the end and click on 'CheatEngine71.exe').

  2. There is nothing unusual in installation, just be careful as possible! Next, you will be asked to install an additional software (usually it's an antivirus or something else), DO NOT AGREE, uncheck the box and continue installation. At the end of installation, remove two checkboxes 'Reset settings' and 'Launch Cheat Engine'. Click 'Finish'.

  3. Open game and go to windowed mode. Next, minimize game and open Cheat Engine. After opening the program, may appear window with a suggestion to view tutorial. Click 'No'.

  4. Click 'File>Open Process' or find "small monitor with magnifying glass" icon (called 'Select a process to open'). It should also be highlighted like bright green color in square form. Click on it! Next, you will see a 'Process List'. Find the game there (blablabla-iceage2pc.exe), click on it once (it should be highlighted). Click 'Open'.

  5. Click on 'Add Address Manually'. In the address paste "IceAge2Pc.exe+4294B0" (without quotes) and click 'OK'.

  6. A line will appear below in white part of program window. At the end of the line will be number 30 (under 'Value'). Click on it twice, write 60, click 'OK'. Finally, click on white box that is under 'Active'. There should be a thin red cross. Go back to the game. Check if it works. The game should go smoother, it's quite noticeable.

Everything seems to be ready. But we don't want repeat all above every time, right? Follow these 2 steps:

  1. If you have completed all 6 steps, you should click 'File>Save As...'. File will be named as iceage2pc.CT, save it.

  2. When you open game next time, you should open Cheat Engine again. Perform step 4 again. Click 'File>Load'. Select iceage2pc.CT. Remember, Cheat Engine must remain open while you're playing.

Everything is ready!

Diedit oleh penulis 3 years ago
FapMan, UbiycaSmerti2009, dan 607 menyukai ini
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