Any chance of seeing a "Silent Assasian and All Bodies Hidden" category added for single and co-op? Seems a natural extension for the categories and is one which is already run - plus the current categories are somewhat limited with only 2 per mode (single and co-op) currently
Probably won't be added, no.
Silent Assassin in this game already means no bodies were found, since accident kills can result in body found.
Adding bodies hidden is mostly redundant because it's the same thing, except the game arbitrarily thinks a body is "hidden". Even though in practice, a body hidden in a secluded corner is just as hidden as a body in a snow pile/ bush etc.
May consider adding a "bodies hidden" variable, but not a new category. The sniper assassin game mode is pretty bare bones in general, it's not gonna have that many ways to speedrun it.
Switched all runs to IGT only to reflect that every other Hitman 3 leaderboard is in IGT, and because most new runners don't know how to use RTA timing.
Please read run rules carefully for any edge cases caused by poor cutscene skipping, lack of rating screen, old patch, etc.