Accidents only run
7 years ago
Aquitaine, France

Hello! I would like to run this Hitman in the accident only category, however I don't see it on the website. I was wondering if there are already existing rules such as : what counts as an accident, do we skip the tutorial, do we have to do a SA and Suit only run...? Besides I can't find the basic speedrun rules such as where to start and end timer!

Thank you!

BattleMaster menyukai ini

Why don't you just do a run with whatever restrictions, and not bother posting it on sr? That's what everyone does. Accident is any kill for which body found doesn't count against your score, except poison kills. That includes falling objects, falls, drowning, explosion accidents, and a whole lot of scripted kills. People don't really bother with the tutorial, but they usually run SA, sometimes SO (not necessarily).

Obscurisis menyukai ini
Aquitaine, France

Okay thanks! I think I'll do a SA but SO might be too difficult for the accidents, since it involves being close to the target.

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