Discovered Tech and Instant Kill Reference
5 years ago
South Carolina, USA

Since we do not have a dedicated discord at the moment, I decided to make this thread to share what little tech i have found so far in this game. With the fastest way to play the game in most cases being instant kills, there isn't much room for actual tech. I'm hoping that characters like faust, may, and dizzy, where the instant kill is gratuitously slow, will bring light to some cool tricks.

The first and only real tech i have found in the game so far is something I'm going to call buffering. Its not very hard to do but is a slight time saver. In this game, inputs can be buffered while in animations. This applies to most things I've tried from charging before an instant kill to laying on the ground. The best way to explain this is with a scenario where you are sol and you are using your instant kill. The fight starts, you tap the button you use to charge, then when the charge animation nears its end, start the inputs for your instant kill. you want your last input to happen right as the animation ends. The attack should come out just slightly faster than normal.

The other thing that i was going to add to this post is how to do instant kills. Ever character has the same inputs to preform instant kill. After charging, the inputs are quarter circle forward, quarter circle forward, heavy. The only two character that this does not work for are dizzy and may. May's instant kill is Half circle forward, half circle forward, heavy. Dizzy has no instant kill.

Hopefully what i said makes sense, if not i can make a quick video explaining what i mean. I'm much better with vocal words than i am with written ones. I will also be adding to this post whenever i discover anything new. you can buffer things in most games and I'm not sure if buffering in the game was known before this post, but now its out there.

Diedit oleh penulis 5 years ago
South Carolina, USA

There are a few exceptions to buffering that i forgot to put in the main post. The main example of this comes from characters who cross there arms or do a more active charge animation. Take Potemkin for example. At the end of his charge animation he does a slight different animation. If you want to buffer for him, you have to start buffering during the second animation. From what i can tell, changes in animation will drop your inputs.

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