I wanted to be able to submit a speedrun on grace until I noticed there is no glitchless category, which I thought there would. I suck at doing glitches and there is no way of me being able to get high on the leaderboard without glitches. So please, can there be a glitchless category? Some people might want to speedrun this game but without glitches because they are incapable of doing it (like me). Very much appreciated if it were added!
I think This is a good Idea, I've been very intrested in speedrunning Grace, but I find it hard to even attempt the glitches. Please add this.
it takes an hour to learn basic tech every top speedrun uses so thats seriously not a valid argument
for all top 5 runs in any category from this announcement onward, you are required to use the fflag below:
"FStringDebugShowFlagState": "DFIntMaxAltitudePDStickHipHeightPercent"
failure to abide by this rule will result in an instant rejection. thanks for your cooperation.