So, couple things I noticed.
In order to 100% a level, as far as the game in concerned, isn't as straight forward as you might think.
Looking at the stats (on most levels, obviously trial levels and boss fights may have far less to normal levels) you got something like this.
Collectibles (Coins basically) Eggs (Dead Enemies) Bonus Ball (The additional colored ball that spells out Beackham on the overworld)
As as I can determine, that's all you need to get to 100% a level. The Collectibles and Eggs, must be completed in a single run for it to count. The Bonus Ball can actually be entered into the goal in advance. I.E. You could run a level with a bonus ball, and collect nothing else. Then, play the level again, and collect everything else but the bonus ball. This will 100% the level for the game. However, for the purposes of doing a 100% IL, it makes sense to me that you need to collect those three things for a run, even if you previously collected the bonus ball. Of you 4 worlds, the last 7 levels each have a bonus ball.
The GEMS turn out, are entirely unnecessary to 100% a level. The first 7 levels of the 4 worlds will have 7 color gems, and 1 large gem. The 2 remaining levels just have the 7 color gems. Regardless, collecting the gems are not needed to 100% a level as far as the game in concerned. Therefore, when setting out these rules, collecting gems for an IL doesn't appear to be needed.
However, the one thing I haven't figured out yet... does collecting all the gems on all levels, do anything different at the end game? Ergo, If I collect all the gems (independent of getting all the other collectibles or not) does something happen at the end of the game that shows all gems were collected? If so, it seems to me that 100% full-game run would require collecting all the gems. If not, then I don't think the collecting the gems would be needed to 100% the game. I'm going to playing around with the game to try to answer this question here soon.
But, just wanted to through that all there to see if there is anything else to consider that I might be missing, and get any feedback about how gems should be considered for IL's and Full Game runs.
I'm currently working my way through the game semi slowly whilst playing other games so will hopefully have it fully 100% completed soon so hopefully can answer the Question about the gems completion soon.
If there is nothing for acquiring all gems, I think sticking to acquiring all coins, all eggs and the bonus ball is definitely the way to go for 100% starting from a clean playthrough.
Super fun game from my childhood and really glad there's people playing this.
Same boat, so I'll eventually get to the end doing all the IL's, and will share anything I find out.
When I was working through some of the walkthroughs to see if I can find information, I think I saw a review that mentioned that getting all the gems results in a rainbow appearing near the end of the game screen. If that's confirmed, I imagine that would make gems something needed for a true 100% run. So might end up in the situation where gems aren't needed for IL's, but are needed for full-game runs. That would at least make it easier to verify any runs.
I agree though, that if nothing actually occurs inside the game for acquiring all gems, then I think only coins/eggs/bonus ball should be needed for a full-game. Just not sure yet.
I played the game a lot through my childhood (and I'm gonna be doing a 100% speedrun today actually). AFAIK every level, including the Trials, needs to be Star-shaped to be considered 100% complete. All the bonus balls, coins, eggs (and I personally consider gems to be a part of this). I don't remember if ignoring the gems causes the level to not be star shaped, but I think it does (I have a casual playthrough up on YouTube that may indicate it).
Nothing unlocks after 100%. Or at least I've never found anything through probably almost 20 years of owning the physical cart and playing on and off.
You can also set the rules and then if new info is discovered, wipe the leaderboard and start again. There's not gonna be many speedrunners because I think the category will take 3-4 hours to complete based on how my casual playthrough went.
Also can you at least add the category so I can submit my speedrun when it's done? I'll be streaming it live on Twitch so if I miss anything then everyone will see it
I play tested a little bit this morning, and it does appear to be the case that all 7 gems (in the levels that have them) need to be collected for the level to be turned into a star. I added the category for you, and sort of updated the rules a little bit since technically you don't have to beat Mr. Woe at the very last part of it. Let me know if you see any issues there.
But yes, the category requires basically every level to be "starred" sort to speak, and the when the final level is completed that makes you 100% the last level, will be considered the end of the run.
Apparently I realized this at some point becasue all my 100% IL's have gems collected.
The one thing I need to double check on in this regard is that levels have a "Big Gem" on top of the smaller seven gems. I'm guessing this needs to be collected to 100% a level. The only issue here is that the Big Gems don't appear to respawn when you replay a level like every other collectible. So if you already have the Big Gem, the only way to 100% IL run is to basically start from a fresh game file and play up to that level, and hope you collect the Big Gem on the same run that is your fastest and has all the other files; assuming it's considered necessary for 100% Level Runs. I propose this not to be case for IL runs (while all smaller gems needed to be collected in said run), so that you can actually just play the level over and over on any save file without needing to start from the very beginning.
You can't consider the game 100% beaten without beating Mr Woe. You can star the Mr Woe level and there are collectible coins in it too.
I do find it interesting that for the Trial levels you have to revisit them in order to 100% them since they cannot be fully completed without receiving the upgrades after beating the 4 areas. It does suck a little that the trophy room is just that and that theres no secret haha
also thank you so much for adding the category! I hope others will consider running it too !
"You can't consider the game 100% beaten without beating Mr Woe. You can star the Mr Woe level and there are collectible coins in it too."
Naturally; but it's possible that someone could submit a run where the Mr. Woe "Level" isn't the final level they complete in terms of 100%. I'm not sure if they would ever be conceivable useful, but just in case!
Very cool run, by the way!
very true, but the ending "credits" would be a time sink. Plus it's way cooler to finish a 100% by beating a boss. It's easier to do a 100% finishing on Mr Woe because as long as you know you got his coins, you can stop the timer on his death animation rather than when the ball goes into the goal (I would guess).
Also thank you :) I'm certain I'll do another run one day since i messed up in a lot of places. didnt anticipate it being possible in under 3 hours!