Top quality footage
4 years ago
Texas, USA

Hello there. So I have to recorded runs for this game. Both of which are on YouTube. However, when trying to upload these runs, there where a few issues. In the end, the footage quality dropped slightly. I just wanted to know if a run like this is verifiable, or not.

mop890 dan pretty_average menyukai ini
United Kingdom

I mean this looks verifiable, at least in this not-so-knowledgeable person's mind. I'd probably suggest you wait for a mod to reply though. :)

mop890 dan ZBomb07 menyukai ini
Canada is for emulator times. The timespage for console runs is

Diedit oleh penulis 4 years ago
Alberta, Canada

If they're banned from the elite, it's most likely for good reason so same goes here. No runs from banned eliters on SRC

erikthedirector menyukai ini
United Kingdom

I recently picked up a console and GE, but if I submitted a time done on that here, would it not be verified then? I just like the idea of having all my times in one place.

mop890 menyukai ini
United Kingdom

Could a mod please clarify following extensive twitch spam I mean discussion:

Are non-members of the-elite welcome to post console times here on (understanding that they will be subject to the same proof standards as on the-elite)?

Kindest regards,

ya boy ted

CD_84 menyukai ini
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