Proposal to remove Endurance.
2 years ago

Firstly, it's not a speedrun. Doesn't belong on SRC...

Secondly, due to Timer asc. not working on variables, getting the WR would simply be getting the worst score possible, which simply defeats the whole purpose of Endurance even existing. To fix this, we would have to make a whole separate category but that'll take quite some effort.

Thirdly, this category has nearly no runs, with most of them being spam free FG WRs.

, dan zir0nic menyukai ini
United States

I have no objection.

supercrazestar menyukai ini
Texas, USA


Okay you're probably right lol

Well let me tell you why endurance was added first.

When I started the leaderboard the whole point of endurance was to get people to try to do more runs for rice.

That's about it, actually. Just another way to play, sorta in high score mode, to encourage more participation and to get our total rice count up.

If srcom had listened to my request 4 years ago that I've repeated probably a few times, sub-category timer asc would be a thing. But it is not yet and so you got a valid point, it just looks messed up lol.

I think popularity of endurance category went down after 2.0 died, as well. There were some people who really loved to run the category and I think it's worth an announcement or some direct messages to those whose runs would not be discoverable from srcom if removal of the category occurs.

On a different note hopefully srcom will open up to not just be a speedrun site, but will eventually also allow records to be held for other variables that are not time. Personal opinion lol. People have been trying to post high scores here for upwards of five years lol, they should just implement it

Diedit oleh penulis 2 years ago
supercrazestar dan zir0nic menyukai ini
Super moderatorzir0nic
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

I think the best option for now is to remove Endurance, as there are very few actual runs of it and moreso just people submitting 1 question runs for the free record. If timer ascending variables ever do make an appearance, perhaps we can add it back under a better light :)

grntsz, supercrazestar, dan Oxknifer menyukai ini
Super moderatorzir0nic
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Update: I finally did it.

All of the Endurance runs from both the current version of Freerice and the legacy 2.0 version have been archived on this spreadsheet:

Oxknifer menyukai ini
Texas, USA

Is this really all we did? Hmm

Here's a backup of that info:

Freerice 3.0

  1. Runner: zir0nic, Grains: 2500, Category: All Subjects, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Web, Run Link:

  2. Runner: Seedy, Grains: 2500, Category: All Subjects, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Web, Run Link:

  3. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 240, Category: All Subjects, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  4. Runner: Oxknifer, Grains: 2400, Category: All Subjects, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  5. Runner: Pear, Grains: 10, Category: Art & Culture, Subject: Classical Music, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  6. Runner: Pear, Grains: 50, Category: Art & Culture, Subject: Famous Paintings, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  7. Runner: Pear, Grains: 10, Category: Art & Culture, Subject: Literature, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  8. Runner: Oxknifer, Grains: 1120, Category: History, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  9. Runner: Pear, Grains: 50, Category: History, Subject: World Landmarks, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  10. Runner: Oxknifer, Grains: 870, Category: History, Subject: Countries of the World, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  11. Runner: Pear, Grains: 25, Category: History, Subject: Geographie Mondiale et Canadienne, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  12. Runner: zir0nic, Grains: 300, Category: English, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Web, Run Link:

  13. Runner: BobGuyonski, Grains: 20, Category: English, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  14. Runner: zir0nic, Grains: 200, Category: English, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  15. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 1020, Category: English, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link: [](

  16. Runner: Pear, Grains: 90, Category: English, Subject: English Proverbs, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  17. Runner: Pear, Grains: 45, Category: English, Subject: English Vocabulary, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  18. Runner: Pear, Grains: 160, Category: English, Subject: English Spelling, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  19. Runner: Pear, Grains: 120, Category: English, Subject: Root Words, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  20. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 2050, Category: Language Learning, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  21. Runner: Pear, Grains: 100, Category: Language Learning, Subject: Romanian, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  22. Runner: Pear, Grains: 50, Category: Language Learning, Subject: Spanish, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  23. Runner: Akuretaki, Grains: 2748, Category: Language Learning, Subject: French, Platform: Web, Run Link:

  24. Runner: Pear, Grains: 50, Category: Language Learning, Subject: Italian, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  25. Runner: Pear, Grains: 180, Category: Chinese, Subject: Chinese Phrases, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  26. Runner: BobGuyonski, Grains: 200, Category: Math, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  27. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 200, Category: Math, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  28. Runner: golo320, Grains: 200, Category: Math, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  29. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 200, Category: Math, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Web, Run Link:

  30. Runner: Pear, Grains: 100, Category: Math, Subject: Multiplication Table, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  31. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 5730, Category: Math, Subject: Multiplication Table, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  32. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 1018, Category: Math, Subject: Multiplication Table, Platform: Web, Run Link:

  33. Runner: BobGuyonski, Grains: 1260, Category: Math, Subject: Multiplication Table, Platform: Web, Run Link:

  34. Runner: Pear, Grains: 120, Category: Math, Subject: Geometry, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  35. Runner: BobGuyonski, Grains: 320, Category: Math, Subject: Basic Math (Pre-Algebra), Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  36. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 870, Category: Math, Subject: Basic Math (Pre-Algebra), Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  37. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 6140, Category: Science, Subject: All Subjects, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  38. Runner: Oxknifer, Grains: 810, Category: Science, Subject: Human Anatomy, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  39. Runner: Fioresa, Grains: 5950, Category: Science, Subject: Chemical Symbols (Basic), Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

  40. Runner: Pear, Grains: 30, Category: Science, Subject: Coronavirus: Know the Facts, Platform: Mobile, Run Link:

Freerice 2.0

  1. Runner: cameran923, Grains: 820, Category: All Subjects, Subject: All Subjects, Run Link:
  2. Runner: gamesfordalolz, Grains: 3550, Category: Humanities, Subject: All Subjects, Run Link:
  3. Runner: Sizzyl, Grains: 340, Category: Math, Subject: Multiplication Table, Run Link:
  4. Runner: Hirassy, Grains: 42690, Category: Math, Subject: Multiplication Table, Run Link:
  5. Runner: Sizzyl, Grains: 170, Category: Math, Subject: Basic Math, Run Link:
  6. Runner: Cuttyflame, Grains: 27610, Category: Language Learning, Subject: French, Run Link:
  7. Runner: Cuttyflame, Grains: 5380, Category: English, Subject: All Subjects, Run Link:
Diedit oleh penulis 1 year ago