Final Fantasy 4 Paladin% 12 Hour Challenge
6 years ago
Richmond, VA, USA

I wanted to put an open invitation for anybody sitting on the fence thinking "Man, I really want to learn a new game for the 12 Hour Challenge(July 27-29, 2018), but I just don't know what to/unmotivated to learn."

Go no further, @speedman @FuzzyGames and I will be learning Final Fantasy 4 Paladin% ( ) since it has a healthy amount of runners AND a handy dandy beginner's guide (cue the horns) ( ). As an added bonus, that Sunday(or Monday July 30th depending on my hotel's Wifi strength) we will be having a race for bragging rights to see who learned the game better.

Any/all of you are more than welcome to join us ( noob discord: If you aren't sure what the rules are for the challenge, it's simple. You have up to 12 hours during July 27-29th to learn the run as thoroughly as possible, honor rules apply, don't cheat and go over your allotted time! Afterwards, we'll have a good old fashioned race to decide a winner.

Hope to see you grinding this classic out with us, and you never know, you might fall in love with the game and learn the rest of it.

Diedit oleh penulis 6 years ago